Monday 11 May 2020

Expressive art journaling.

Just a few pages from my Joggles disc-bound loose-leaf journal (great for mucky pups!) I didn't intend it to be, but it is turning into a journal all about the pandemic and the effects on us as a family.

Art is an expression of yourself whether you like it or not! Every time you add something to the page it is saying something about you.

I have been hugely inspired by the Wanderlust course this year, and due to the pandemic I have had plenty of time to watch the videos and play along, so there is a lot of Wanderlust inspiration in these pages.

Have you been watching Grayson Perry's Art Club (Channel 4, Monday 8pm - UK). If not then do, it's fabulous! And he comes out with some great and profound quotes, in a very relaxed way. In week one he said something like ... 'making art is like setting your ideas in concrete'. True.

Unintentionally butterflies keep appearing on my pages ...  maybe because they represent freedom ... 

And I found this great little quote in a very tiny dictionary I got from an antiques store/junk shop. Doesn't this just sum things up at the moment?

What day is it anyway?!

And here is this coming week's project. Another junk journal taking shape. I've got my signatures ready but I'm going to bind it properly this time (I cheated last time and used my sewing machine) and put these inside a vintage dictionary cover. Watch this space ... !


  1. I love how expressive these pages are. Thank you for sharing them with us. I do believe that it is important to find a way to express how we are affected by this pandemic and this is just perfect.

    1. Thanks so much Nolwenn, I appreciate your words :-) We all need an outlet to get through this for sure.

  2. That´s really wonderful !! Love the colours and sentiments. Yes, These are very sad days, but we may be strong together.
    Have a nice day and stay safe and well,
    Big hugs,


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