
Thursday 8 November 2012

Art journal play ....

Image by Rian Designs

I started this page a while ago ... it actually started as a example page when I was teaching at De Craftorij in Holland (so some of you may recognise it!) I love doll images .. not sure why ... I know some people find them a bit spooky.

I added this quote - speaks for itself really.

And lots of grungy layers just because I felt like it.

And today when I looked back at my page I added even more grungy layers and splats. I happen to feel very tired today, I'm in a foul mood, and I feel mad as hell at everyone and everything (let that be a warning to anyone who lives near me haha!!), so I was in a perfect mood for grunging up a page. In fact I almost couldn't stop. If you think this doll looks spooky now, imagine her with her eyes gouged out, 'cos I nearly did it, I nearly did!

On a lighter note, thanks to you all for your wonderful comments on my last post. Ahhhh, bless you all! It's not to late to enter my give-away ... you have until 5 pm GMT on Friday.



  1. heehee...I have been in a foul mood for a few days...maybe it's the kids...great page!!

    Kirsti xx

  2. Another fantastic page, love the background.

  3. Great page Kate and such wonderful colours. Love the layout to it
    x catherine

  4. Yoohoo! Errr, do i need to wave a white flag???? Why so crotchety? Hope making this fab page made you feel better :D x x x

  5. I know the feeling Kate! lol ... hope tomorrow is a better day for you. Love your page :)

  6. Your bad mood worked for you. Very nice piece, the doll looks like she is about to hit somebody.

  7. Hopefully you can do a happy one next, looks good though for attitude LOL
    Happy craftin

  8. This doll does have that "keep your distance" look to her. Way to art your way through a bad mood. Love the colors and hope you're feeling better.

  9. Beautiful page Kate and marvelous colors. Hope your bad mood will disappear soon.
    lovely greet and nice weekend

  10. Fab the doll image....and I'd have so gouged her eyes out, I would, trust me LOL!!!!!

  11. Cool page, I love it. The colours are gorgeous & the doll looks great. Hope it helped you feel a little better, treat yourself to something lovely at the weekend.

  12. Ooooo this is fantastic, ,ove the colours & the circles are brilliant xx

  13. Ah, that was ME yesterday - isn't journalling great therapy? Sorry but the doll IS spooky ....

  14. I love your page! It looks pretty happy to me, so I don't see where any of your mad came through. Now, if the eyes did get gouge out, that would be a different story. But this page is awesome!


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