
Monday 5 November 2012

A give-away, and a catch up.

OOh, I couldn't help but notice I have just clocked over 1400 followers on my blog woohoo! To thank you all for your incredible loyalty and bloggy friendship I thought it was about time I had another little give-away, and what better than a set of Dylusions stamps?! If you would like to be in with a chance to win this very lovely and useful set of border stamps, all you have to do is leave me a comment on this post here and I will use to select a winner on Friday 9th November at 5pm GMT. Feel free to share on Facebook, blogs, twitter etc.
*EDIT: This draw has now closed*

This weekend I have been away 'down south' at the wonderful Stamp Attic in Wantage near Oxford, teaching some art journaling classes, and what fun we had! I went to stay with the very lovely Wendy (owner and boss of The Stamp Attic) and we had a good ol' chin wag and generally put the world to rights :-)

I was met by a very enthusiastic group on both days who were only too happy to get inky and painty and generally very messy! Here are a few pics from the weekend ...... 

Work in progress on day1. Tina had a broken arm but she didn't let that hold her back. Where there's a will there's a way!!

The end of day 1, and some very beautiful and colourful journal pages, (and some very smily faces!)

And a few more different pages from day 1:

On day 2 we got really inky with Dylusions and made some inky year journals:

Ha ha! Love Helga's Shrek hands in this pic:

And some more smily faces at the end of day 2:

Thanks for having me at The Stamp Attic, and I hope to do it all again next year!


  1. Kate glad to see you are spreading the inky infection to more people. Keep up the good work!! LOL xxx

  2. Looks like a heavenly way to spend a day, inky painty goodness.

  3. Well done on your 1400 followers :o) Soooooooooooo Happy I have found your blog .. love the style I can now add to pages...I love to alter things and have just started a blog to show things off .. I love to be inspired n you have def done that .. Thank you ... I have added your blog button to mine ,, Please feel free to drop by, any hints or tips for a new blogger very welcome Please leave a comment..xx Happy Crafting Mark x

  4. I'm a new follower, and I love reading your posts and especially seeing your art!

    The stamps would be great, but I'm already happy to be inspired by you!

  5. Love Following you and your work!!! such an awesome giveaway thanks!!! and good luck to everyone!!!!

  6. Thank you for having such a lovely give away, I would love to win!

  7. Hi Kate, thanks for a wonderful day getting inky, love my journal, just trying to add some photos to my blog. Would love to win the giveaway to add to my collection. Fingers crossed! Hannah :)

  8. Thanks for the opportunity to own that awesome border stamp! That looked like a really fun class to have been in. A lot of beautiful pages came away from there.

  9. Hi Kate.
    My friend Margret said Wendy from the Stamp Attic is such a lovely person and visits quite often. The workshops look so great, cannot wait for when I get over to AFTH and join you.
    Thank you for the chance to win a set of Dy's stamps, and well done on 1400 followers. Debbiexx

  10. Would love to win the stamp set...the workshops all look so fun..wish I could join in on them..kinda hard to do from here but thanks for always sharing the joy! xx <3

  11. I love to win the border stamps. I think they are awesome, and they will work good in my journal.
    I like to follow you, and get inspired from the work I see at your blog. So concratilations with your 1400 followers...
    Best wishes, Melanie

  12. love those inky fingers.. hihi and your dylusions stamp give away.. is just great i hope i will get a change to win this one..
    greetings form Holland

  13. Kate, I am already a stalker...I mean follower (hehehe). Completely love your art and thanks for all the inspiration!

  14. Looks like it was a very fun class. It must be nice to spend time with people that don't give your neon fingers strange looks. Thanks for the chance to win!

  15. Recently I was steered to your blog...I am overwhelmed by your work but inspired to give the calendar a try in 2013. I would love to win this set of stamps from Dyan's mind to get me started!

  16. Been a follower for a while, Kate and WELL DONE on 1400 followers. Gr8 candy - you ARE generous.


    my blog

  17. OOh one of the ones i havent got, yes please random machine pick me. thanks Kate, it was great to get my spirits back and good physio for my shoulder! xx please come "down south" again soon.

  18. The classes look like a real blast! And a very wonderful set of stamps - thank you so much for the chance to win. The many followers are well deserved :-)
    Best, Suzanne

  19. Hi Kate,
    What a nice giveaway. I'm a great fan of dylusions stamps

    Greetings from the netherlands. Hendrien

  20. Celebrate whit you 1400 followers Cate:0)

  21. What a great class! I would love to take a class like that! Thanks for the chance to win!

  22. I love your work, it gives me a lot of inspiration. Unfortunately were the workshops in the Netherlands last month all sold out. Hopefully i have more luck the next time.The stamps are great !

  23. Hi Kate, see you got them inky again! I'm working on my calender journaling, I'm starting with december.

    I would really love to win the stamps (love the heartbeat line :D).

  24. Ahhh, the workshop looked like so much fun! Wish I could have been there. Thank you for the giveaway! Here goes... xx

  25. Well of course I'd like to win something!

  26. Looks like those ladies were having a lot of fun. Congrats on your 1400 followers!!!

  27. What a lucky bunch of ladies ! and what a fab opportunity to win some stamps :)
    Thanks Kate
    Von ♥

  28. love to follow your blog, thanks for a chance to win these great stamps.

  29. What a great give away Kate!!!
    Pictures abouve reminding me on the grewat class you gave in de Craftorij october. I was there with my sister Alda....Had a GREAT day!! Thanks again!!
    greetings from Amsterdam. xx Anneke

  30. Woo Hoo...Congrats on 1400! Thanx for the chance to win a set I do not have. :)


  31. Congrats on your massive amount of followers - would love to win the super stamps. Thanks for the chance Love Cynthia x

  32. thank you for a wonderful workshop, sorry I had to rush off before the photo call, I loved every minute. Terrific amount of followers and a great give-away. Thanks again.

  33. Wow; that are a hole lot of followers! Congratulations! Well I'm staying a follower, cause you give me heeps og inspiration anytime I visit your blog! And ofcause such super stamps are more than welcome... Hugs, Gerrina

  34. Congrats! Thanks for the chance at a giveaway!! BTW, I'm working my way through your DVDs and thoroughly enjoying them, they have really helped me to understand how to use the products better. I was using way too much paint. Thank you.

  35. Thanks for the great workshop at the Craftorij in Ede (the Netherlands) last month. I love your style and learned a lot. Have fun, Soraya

  36. I was one of the lucky persons who had a place for the workshop at the Craftorij. I didn't do anything with Dylusions before en I like it really much! The day after I became immediately a follower at your blog, so I can learn much more about dylusions, stamps and much more. Thank you very much.

  37. Thanks for the great workshop at the Craftorij in Ede (the Netherlands) last month. I love your style and learned a lot. Have fun, Soraya

  38. you know when and if you will be at the Stamp Attic next year? We were thinking of maybe coming down for one of your weekend extravaganzas...The classes look great!!

    PS Congrats on reaching 1400!!!

    1. Hi Kirsti, Not sure yet ... it will be when there is NO chance of snow on the roads!! Details will be published here:
      Hope to see you then!

  39. CONGRATS that's awesome !! Thanks for the chance to win those great stamps!!;)

  40. Looks like your class was fun, and why would anyone let a broken arm hold them back. lol

  41. AWSOME !!! Thanks for the chance to win those wonderful stamps!;)

  42. Congrats.
    Thanks for the chance to win.
    The classes look great.

  43. Lordy, how I wish I lived near a good shop. Looks like you all had a blast. And I cooked a full Thanksgiving dinner with an arm cast. Thanks for the giveaway.

  44. Great your give away and nice photos of all your classes,

    groetjes Coby

  45. Would love to win the give away , so i've got my fingers crossed.

  46. Well done on spreading the art journalling message!

  47. I was quite content with my 32 followers...
    Congratulations, you deserve this huge audience.
    Thanks for the chance of winning this nice stamp set.

  48. Thanks for offering a giveaway. I love Dylusions products, I have all the sprays, they are so beautiful and bright.

  49. Brilliant blog....always inspiring.....thank you.

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  52. Oh ! I started following today so wonder if I made the number go over 1400 !!! and I see a nice picture of my pages, I will "steal" that, thank you Kate !!! It was really 2 fantastic day and I really enjoyed it. I hope we can see you soon ! Loetitia

  53. The workshop looked gloriously messy and fun :) Congrats on reaching such a fantastic number of followers and thanks for the chance of a cool prize!!

  54. thanks for 3 wonderful days at the Craftorij in the Netherlands last month, I learned a lot and it was nice to meet you. I like your work, it gives me a lot of inspiration.
    You're a very very nice person

  55. Had soooooooo much fun thanks Kate :-) will be getting inky and painty on a frequent basis from now on!

  56. Thank you very much. For sharing your inspirational works and also for the chance to win those stamps. I like your style!!!

    Kisses from Spain

  57. If I see the smily faces I really hope to have the chance to take a class with you one day!!!!! Fingers crossed!

  58. wow 1400 followers, that is a big hurray! I love to win the great stamps. I love dylusions!

    love Lisa

  59. I love your work and has certainly inspired me to take the plunge making what I really like and make backgrounds creating layers through different mediums, it's made a lovely change from me using paints n gesso, and both together wow, thanks for your constant source of inspiration and techniques, looks like a marvellous time had by all, would just love this stamp set and congratulations on 1400 followers x

  60. Hello Kate, i love to win these stamps, i could use them with the great technics you teached me in the workshop by de craftorij with Lia and Joan!!

    Liefs, lisetta

  61. Love. Love. Love following ur FAB blog Kate. . . Always so much inspiration 2 b found. Then 2 be rewarded for doing something we love ? Bonus!! Thanx for the chance of winning those must-have stamps. I would love to add them 2 my stash. Hugz x x x x

  62. It looks like you had a great time in the 'deep south', they all looked to be having a great time too - so jealous of those inky fingers :) Thanks for the opportunity to win those great stamps

  63. Thanks for all your inspiration and the chance to win the blog candy. I love the Dylusion sprays! (and all of Dyan's products!) The pages these gals made are wonderful!

  64. Hi Kate, congrats with your 1400 followers!! You know I love all of the Dylusion stamps. You can't have enough!

    Love Margo.

  65. Hi Kate!
    Congrats on the 1400 followers! And just look at all those smiling faces of the women in your art journal class! They enjoyed themselves for sure. :) Oh, and I do love the stamps so much! They are simply awesome!

  66. I love these stamps kate and of course I would very pleased when I winn this beautiful stamps.
    Lovely greet

  67. Congrats Kate on 1400 followers, wow its fantastic. I have 28 LOL.....
    I allways love reading your posts so keep them comming.

  68. Congrats on 1400 followers Kate - I'm still hoping to get on one of your classes, one day I will make it! Love the blog candy, and love your style!

  69. Hi Kate, this is great giveaway! (this stampset is missing in my collection :-) )
    Hope to see you soon again @ de Craftorij! Hugs ;-)

  70. Congratulations on so many followers, hoping I'm the lucky one to win.

  71. inky heaven for so many people. such fun. x

  72. Looks as though everyone had a fantastic time, loving all that ink inkyness. Congrats on 1400 followers xx

  73. I like dylusions, i llike this stamps, and i like your blog with foto's of your klasses. So many people who make katy look colorful pages.
    Greetings Fieneke

  74. I love your work and these stamps!

    Greetings from holland, Inge

  75. It was a super workshop thanks ever so can't wait till next time. :o
    Happy craftin

  76. Congratulations Kate, I'm not surprised your fame is spreading far and wide. Your teaching gifts and talents have inspired so many people. x o x

  77. Super congrats on 1400 followers! You are so talented and your creations inspire so many, so I'm not surprised. Here's hoping to 1400 more!

  78. As I told you before, I love your work. Totally mad about your use of bright colours.

  79. Looks like a blast!!! Big Congrats on 1400 followers WOW!! You blog and art work I am not surprised :) Thanks so much for a chance to win this awesome stamp set!!!

  80. love these new stamps and would love a chance to own them to begin a journal. Thanks for this opportunity.

  81. congrats on 1400 followers!! Your work is just amazing and so inspiring! (don't think I have those stamps so they will be happy moving into my room LOL)

  82. I've just started to love Art Journals and your blog is full of insipiarion. Thanks very much

  83. Your blog help me very much to improve my art journal. Thanks very much

  84. Wow 1400 followers! Love the stamp! greetings Marije

  85. Congratulations! Please,, pick me. There aren't enough male crafters on these blogs :)

  86. love your style. thanks for sharing...

  87. I wish I'd been quicker off the mark - but no, i missed booking the classes at wantage - maybe next time. It looks like so much fun!

  88. Just started getting into art far it has been so much fun experimenting with all kinds of cool techniques. I found your blog recently and just love seeing your work. Gorgeous!

  89. Just started getting into art far it has been so much fun experimenting with all kinds of cool techniques. I found your blog recently and just love seeing your work. Gorgeous!

  90. Ooh congrats, time to get inky!

  91. A long time follower here, love your work. I would love to do one of your classes one day, they always look such fun. Many congratulations on getting to 1400.

  92. Kate - your blog.....what a great, creative discovery for me. Thanks for the chance to be the lucky winner of Dyan's fabulous stamps, & also thanks to Dyan for her f/b post directing me to your blog. Jac x

  93. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  94. Those ladies sure are lucky! :)
    Thanks for sharing and giving us the opportunity to win some goodies!
    Hugs from Norway - Siv

  95. fab pics of fab classes - how come I dont own that stamp set already ?!

  96. The class looks like great fun, any chance of you coming further South?

  97. Congrats on over 1400 followers :) I am another just starting out in the world of art journalling and loving every inky minute of it, love your style. Classes in the North West would be good :D

  98. You can't fail to enjoy one of your classes Kate. They are so much fun, and I love seeing what we all do. Congratulations on your amazing followers, I think you should buy us all a slice of cake and a cup of tea! lol Michelle x

  99. Wow, congratulations on your 1400 fabulous! Thank you too for a chance to win! XXX

  100. Brilliant blog, brilliant stamps - wouldn't it be brilliant if I won!

    Liz x

  101. Very very nice workshops. A big tip to go and get inky!
    I should like to win the goodies too.

  102. Congrats!!!! ^_^ thanks for the chance!!! :)

  103. oh my goodness, it looks like you all had such fun!

  104. Love your blog especially the pictures, so colourful and bright here's to the next 1400. Well done

  105. Oooooo I love dylusion stamps!!! My new fav!

  106. This class looks like so much fun. Thanks for the share.

  107. What a fabulous giveaway! What a great workshop as well - love the photos and creations!

  108. Thanks for the opportunity to win. I would love to do a class with you one day. Down under.

  109. I love seeing other people's pages, they are so inspiring! So many color choices, they are all Beautiful!! Inky hands makes me feel more like an artist, don't you think?!

  110. I would LOVE to win those stamps!!!
    I'm juste discovering your blog and will follow because i love wath you do!!! thanks for the inspiration!!!

  111. there is a reason you are so popular! i love seeing what you create. count me in - i would love to win.

  112. I just came here from Marjie kemper's blog and I love the calendar project - it's such a neat idea!

  113. Congrats on all the followers! I love your blog. Thanks for the great give away. Im keeping my fingers crossed. :D

  114. Wow, that looks like so much fun. Wish i was there! Some stamps might be next best thing.

  115. Love to see those colorful pics and inky hands ;-) Thanks for the opportunity to win that wonderful stamp set!
    Bye, Diane Bosscher-Struik

  116. What a fantastic class! Looks like some great work was produced.

  117. Oh wow kate this are many followers.
    That's because you have so much talent and everyone wants to see that.
    The workshop also looks really super inky out.
    Thank you for this opportunity at such a great price!
    Regards Patricia

  118. me like!!!! And this borderstamp I don't have in my collection!! ;0)

  119. Congratulation! I love your blogg, visit it every day. Please come to Norway.

  120. I'd love to win as I've never used stamps and am just starting out on my art adventure. I love your blog and it's given me some great ideas to get me going.

  121. You're an inspiration and I wouldn't be art journaling if it wasn't for you! Well done on your 1400 followers and thank you for the chance of winning a set of my favourite stamps! I've got 14 sets but this isn't one of them yay!!! :o)

  122. what a great giveaway. Thanks for the nice workshops at the Craftorij

    Greetings from the Netherlands Hendrien

  123. One day I wish to fly out there and take a class of yours

  124. Wow you have slot of follower! But im not superized, seeing the wonderful things you do! I would love to win these stamps for work in my Art Journal :O) Fingers crossed, Have a nice day!

  125. Congratulation on your followers...thats great but then again, all of the Dylusionthings are great! I started collection some months ago and now i am addicted... I would love to win this set. Please keep on going and suprise us with your lovely lose way of making things.
    Warm regards,
    Anna Lemsma

  126. great blog, great projects. yes - please come to Norway!

  127. Ooh yay, thanks for the giveaway! :)
    Helen x

  128. Your class looks like so much fun. I love following your blog...your art is so beautiful. Thanks for the chance.

  129. Hi Kate,
    Congratulations with so many followers!
    You are a verry nice lady( i met you in the netherlands on the workshop)
    And your blog en the things you made are lovely!

  130. Oh how I envy those able to take your classes. What fun they all look like they're having. And who wouldn't be making such wonderful works of art! Love your blog and congrats on the 1400!!!

  131. Looks like you had lots of fun there. Thnx for the chance to win something. I'd love to be in the draw ...

  132. Continued success and growth on your blog and the creative journey you are on my lady! So enjoy following you and the "adventures" you continue to live!

  133. It looks like you guys had a blast! I've learned a lot from your dvds and hope to learn more

    Lin Collette

  134. Congrats! Love visiting your blog and being inspired by your creations! Thanks for the giveaway, I haven't tried any Dylusions products yet. phenis2031 at yahoo dot com

  135. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  136. Looks like such fab inky fun! THanks for the chance to win your giveaway!!! :)

  137. I like so much your work. I make a wisch : I would like to win. I would like to win. I would like to win...

  138. The stamps look fun! And congrats on all the followers - well done!

  139. I wouldn't let a broken arm stop me either if I ever was so lucky that I could attend one of your classes! Looks like you all had such fun :)

  140. I have just started making a journal and I am hooked. The stamps would be a wonderful addition!

  141. Kate I love your art style and use of color. I have your DVD on my x-mass list. I would love to win the stamp set!

  142.'d you know I don't have that stamp set in my collection??? Congrats on 1400 followers. I have an email that counted as a follower? I have never quite figured all that out...just know I love seeing what you're up to and what you've created.

  143. Would love a chance to win. I have enjoyed your blog so much and visit it daily. Your spirit shines through your art and your writing, and I'm glad to be one of your "loyal followers!"

  144. Congratulations on the success of your blog. I look forward to every single post. Thank you so much for the chance to win those lovely stamps!

    Kathy Shabowski

  145. Wow so genourous of you Kate to offer the stamps and a very good set to offer!!. Well done on your followers and you deserve them all. Great pics and sure looks like a fab time was had by all. Hope to see you soon although I am a bit poorly at the moment!!
    x catherine

  146. Congrats on 1400 followers. I love your work and am always looking forward to what you will create next. Thanks for the chance to win a great stamp set.

  147. I am new to art journaling and am loving it! I get inspired by your work and in seeing the things other people do. So many things to try.

  148. Congrats on your milestone!! Hope this obsessed art journaling USA girl can win some dylusion stamps. It would be wonderful. Thanks! (When are we going to meet you in the eastern United States?)

  149. Congratulations and thanks for a great giveaway!
    It looks as though everyone had a great time at your workshop!

  150. I've been art journaling since March of this year -- found your site just a few weeks in and gained so much more self confidence reading all of your tips and tricks, etc. Thanks so much for all of that!! I get so excited when I see a new post in my email. Fabulous stamp set, just love Dyan Reaveley and all of her goodies!!

  151. Congrats on 1400 followers:) Love your work!:)
    I would love to be in the draw for this grat stamps:)

  152. Looks like your classes were great fun - any chance you could come down to Bristol or Cardiff so us girls in the Art Journalling desert of South Wales could come to one of your classes ? Yours hopefully ! Ali

  153. Love all the cool pages all the lady's made. and wow that stamp would be so cool. im new to mixed media.

  154. love how busy you are kate! you deserve all the success that finds you!

  155. Congratulations on having 1400+ followers thats a lot of people, I would love the chance to the border stamps I just love everything Dylusional x

  156. Congratulations on having 1400+ followers thats a lot of people, I would love the chance to win the border stamps, I just love anything Dylusional x

  157. I really like what you do. It inspires me a lot. It would be great to participate in one of your workshops one time. :)

  158. that's not nearly far enough South, Kate, you need to keep going past London next time . . x .. Pretty please!!

  159. Thanks for the chance to win this wonderful images and congrats to 1400 and more followers.

  160. Growing strong with all these subscribers! Congratulations !

  161. Here's too many more great blog posts!

    Shine on!

  162. Congratulations! I just love your blog and would love to win the stamps, they look scrumptious!

  163. Congratulations on all your followers. Thank you for the opportunity to win that great set of stamps. Looking forward to being on one of your workshops soon.

  164. oh please pick me i would love to win anything right now. thanks for the chance.

  165. it would be fun to win something like this, but I feel like a winner just viewing your works of art!! you are always an inspiration, thank you!

  166. thank you for this chance to win one of these fabulous stamp sets !

  167. Great blog, would LOVE the stamps. Thank you.

  168. Thanks for a good laugh about Shrek hands ;-) Those border stamps are wonderful, so please count me in for your drawing!

  169. Hello Kate - I loved the day I spent with you on Saturday when you were 'darn South' lol. Learnt loads and you are so inspirational xx

  170. Glad you are spreading inky happiness wherever you go - its a great calling! And congrats on your bloggy success! Cant wait for the monoprinting day on 21st!! xx

  171. Love the class pics and sooo looking forward to the journalling weekend at Afth next week. Fab blog with oodles of inspiration thanks for sharing what you do, no wonder you have so many followers!

  172. What fun it seems you all have had ... and what a great giveaway! Thank you!

  173. inky, painty fun and smiles!! Fantastic!!

  174. Gosh I think it would be such a blast to take one of your classes and hang out with you all day. You've got to find a reason to come to sunny Arizona, USA and get warm and do some teaching. At any rate, thanks so much for the opportunity to try and win a stamp set, I've been wanting to buy some of her stamps and stencils for awhile now. I have the Ink Sprays but nothing else. Her art journals look pretty awesome as well.

  175. Congratulations on the 1400+ followers, though, I must say, I'm not the least bit surprised!!!
    Like everyone else, I love your colourful & quirky style... :)

  176. Mother....teacher....artist....journalist....inspiration....1400 followers....WOW....and gives away a Dylusions border have to be in it to win it....and for some reason I just cannot post my comments....Pat

  177. Congratulations honey on your 1400 followers - Just think, 1400 people = 2800 inky hands!! I love your blog, it is so full of inspiration and ideas, truly fabulous. Keep up the good work lol....xx hugs xx

  178. I love Dylusions stamps and I love you Kate!

  179. WOW, 1400 followers. I follow you constantly and you always have such great ideas and tutorials. Thank you for the chance in winning a stamp set. I do have most of your sets but I have ALL of your inks...... Michele from FLorida

  180. Looks like everyone had a lot of fun. Thanks for the chance to win.

  181. OOOHHH Wow!! love the inky fingers and pages.What fantastic time you all had.We would love to win your stamps.I would like to win them for my little girl Emily(9) she has her own journal and loves to paint and stamp in it.We love your blog. Love Tina and Emily.XX

  182. This looks like a great time!! I love all the gorgeous colors and texture. Congrats on 1400 followers, AWESOME!

  183. Looks like a fun weekend was had. Well done on all your followers. I love popping in to see what you have been up to

    As Im just dipping my toe in the inkyness of art journalling I would love to win those stamps. Thanks for the chance to win

  184. Congratulations Kathryn!!! It is wonderful for you! Thank you for the inspiration you provide.... And I would live to win those stamps!

  185. Thanks so much for the opportunity.

  186. Congrats on reaching so many followers! I've only recently discovered your & Dyan's wonderful world of colour & journalling. Your photos remind me of the fun I had at one her workshops & make me impatient to go to another one - or maybe one of yours at AFTH!

  187. Wow you ladies are so inspiring. Annie at Freezeframe stamps her postcards and such and I think I should follow that lead. Thanks for the chance to get started in stamping.

  188. Wow...that's lots of followers....I would have fun with those stamps...
    Your class looks like lots of fun with paint!

  189. Just found your site - lovely!! Would love to win the stamps.

  190. All the journals look Fabulous and everyone looks like they were having fun!! Know they did... can't help but to have fun when the ink is spritzing!

  191. Oh Kate those classes looked like so much fun! Congratulations on reching such a large group of followers! Whoot! Whoot! Thanks for the chance to win that wonderful Dylusions stamp!

  192. looks like everyone is delighted with the fun, inky weekend.

  193. Wow 1400, you should be so proud!
    I would love to win those stamps, thank you for the chance.

  194. Congrats on 1400 followers and well deserved. thanks for the chance to go in the draw.


Thanks so much for leaving a comment!