
Wednesday 1 August 2012

It's the 1st August!

Wow, July seemed to just fly by didn't it? It must have been all the excitement of end of term activities at school, my son's birthday, my birthday, our wedding anniversary, and the start of the summer hols. Phew! But I managed to keep on top of my calendar ... just! I tried a looser style this month but I got a day out somewhere so you may notice that 4th July comes right at the end. It took me aaaaages to work out what was going on! Think I will go back to my more structured way of doing things, I can keep on top of it better.

I managed to visit all of the calendars this month (er..although it was very late in the month LOL!) and there is some fantastic calendar art out there. Woohoo! Well done everyone. If you make it to the end of the year it is amazing to look back on a whole year of calendar pages :-)

My August pages are a work-in-progress (late as usual), but for those of you who are always ready on time and raring to go, here is the link for July completed pages and / or August ready-to-go. See you all soon, I'll try and be more organised this month. Promise!


  1. Gorgeous pages Kate and such colorfull. marvelous work.
    Lovely greet

  2. Yay, I'm first for once :-) Fab pages as always Kate :-)
    Anne x

  3. all i can say is: ditto! lol
    i managed to fill in my calendar every day, yay for that! but my August page is still in my head and not yet on the paper. Hope to get to it tonight!
    have a great day :)

  4. This looks amazing Kate, and so inspiring, Jo x

  5. Blimey Kate, I didn't even get to start my July Calender, July came and went in a flash!
    Your July calender is so lovely and filled in too!
    I will try real hard to do August, but next week I start my week of teaching Scrapbooking to 10 Kids aged 10, I cannot wait.
    It's my second year at a Private School's Summer School and I love it.
    It is only 5 minutes walk from my house too so easy peezy.

  6. Your pages are always so beautiful. I can see why they are sometimes late. You put so very much in each one before you even begin to write.

  7. Can't wait to see your August page. Have a great month!

  8. Oh what a beautiful page. The colors are striking. I can't believe we are in August already. As much as I LOVE the calendar challenge, I wish it weren't already August! :)

  9. and the days just keep going faster and faster as I get older!!! I am enjoying doing this challenge and love seeing what others do; so many wonderful ideas!!

  10. WONDERFUL July pages - such fab zingy colours! I really like the doodling round the flowers too.

  11. Terrific page, I love the background.

  12. July looks great! I love the little doodles you've added to some dates. My date spaces are so small for August I may just be writing one word per day!

  13. Tee hee. Now you know why I gave up the structured approach and just write at random and not every day - then no one can tell if I forgot!

  14. Fab page, I really love those colours! Look forward to seeing August, Chrisx

  15. Love your vibrant color combo on your pages Kate!! I've got my completed July up and also posted my August spread-I can't tell you how much I love this project-thank you!

  16. Your pages are great as always! I had mine done on time for once this month, but I haven't had a chance to blog it and link up until today.

  17. I love everyone's calendar, and yours is spectacular. Just did mine today for this month and I've had lots of fun. Thanks Kathryn :)

  18. Wonderful pages. I never stick to anything so I am amazed that 8 months in I am still taking part, but then again its a great idea and only takes a minute a day to fill in...genius!


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