
Saturday 28 July 2012

And the winners are ....

And the winners of my new art journaling DVDs are ..... TA-DA!

Miranda, who said:

wow awesome candy Kate, would be great to win these nice goodies (European version please)
knowing your work the dvd's will be fantabulous


Tanya R who said:

Not a lurker LOL, but a follower, would Love to win the USA/Canadian version.

So ladies, if you could e-mail me your postal address please, I'll get them out to you as soon as possible, and I hope you enjoy them.

Thanks to you all so much for your overwhelming response to my give-away and for your very kind words and comments :-)

Now, if you have a few moments you might like to hop on over to Bernice's blog, as Bernice has a special Feature on her blog over the summer, called Friday Feature. It's a great idea ... Bernice has interviewed several British artists and is sharing the interviews on her blog every week. This week it's my turn! Go here and see what I have to say! Thanks for asking me Bernice :-)

Not much art been happening around here lately .... kids at home for the summer hols = limited free time! However, we did manage a trip over to Merseyside yesterday to see something I wanted to see for a very long time - 'Another Place', the art installation by Antony Gormley on Crosby Beach. 

I am not a number free man, I am a free man number

The installation includes 100 life-size iron men (and you take my word for this, they are definitely all men LOL!)

Er .... see what I mean?!

They are placed over a distance of about 3k all looking thoughtfully out to sea, watching the off-shore wind-farm, and the huge container ships heading back to the port. As the tide came in they all started to disappear under the waves. Totally fabulous, and just a little eerie....

Here's a pic I took on the i-phone using the Hipstamatic app.

But of course, it just had to happen! Bwa ha ha ha ha!!

Right, that's it. I'm off! Byeeeeee


  1. LOL!! Im not sure which to laugh at first?! the erm....winky or the the tashe! LOL!!! Great photos Im off to look at that app! love the effect!

    haave a great saturday x


  2. Brilliant photos, and love your upgrade to the original piece LOL

  3. I love these "men" of the sea! How fun that must be to wander that beach.

  4. wowzers, I am one of the winners WOOHOOO that's totally awesome (making a little dance right now)
    thanks so much Kate, I will email you my postal info

  5. Oh Kate how funny the tash on the man, oh ye saw they were men!!
    Love the photo taken with the special lens, looks amazing.
    Boo Hoo did not win your super DVD, but that's ok as I am getting it on my next trip to AFTH.
    Take care and beautiful work as always. Debbiex

  6. I've heard of this installation and always wanted to see it. Thanks for sharing - and congrats to the lucky winners.

  7. Everytime we go to Liverpool I go to this as I love it. It changes every year as the weather impacts on them! Glad you enjoyed the day!

  8. Congrats to the 2 winners.
    I must get to seem the 'men' - I didn't know about them.
    Anne x

  9. Congratulations everyone and glad you liked the installation on the beach Kate ! As you say it's a bit weird to see as the sea engulfs the men when the tide turns.

  10. Julie@NetVU.org29 July 2012 at 15:47

    Ok - so I didn't win, but I'm still loving your pst. Thanks for sharing - would never have heard of ths or seen it without you.

    Congrats to the winners!

    Julie Vargas

  11. What an amazing idea.... I can't imagine how they withstand the pull of the sea/waves. LOLOL on the 'stashe.

  12. Congrats to the winners!!!! Those iron men are spooky and funny at the same
    Have a super week!

  13. Congrats to the winners :) .... and that's my beach !!!! (ok - not mine as in I own it lol but my local beach). We go there a lot and just LOVE the statues, Barnacle Bill is a personal fave lol (SO glad they didn't get shipped off to New York as planned ... sorry USA) ! but if you have never been to see them, it is definitely one for the bucket list!

  14. Congrats to the winners! I'd love to see that installation, it looks fab in your photos.

  15. I guess I am now adding this to my must see list when I visit England someday. Thanks for the wonderful photos.

  16. I first saw these statues on another British blogger's blog. I did an internet search for the artist and found his web site. It was a fun jaunt that took me from the seaside of England to the mountains of Switzerland. What fun to see one of these statues in person. I think there was one on display in New York, but I'm sure there will never be one in the middle of the US.

  17. I just saw this same art installation in San Gimignano, Italy - way cool!

  18. Looks like you're enjoying the summer off with the kids making great memories. Yep you're right, if I can't find a stamp, I think well why not just draw it. It's so much more fun when you NEED to draw something, instead of trying to think of something TO draw. That's why I love your drawing class because you make me think sideways! M x


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