
Thursday 1 March 2012

March is here!

Stamps used: Bordering on the edge (top border), Bits of This (dandelion clock, bee) 
How does your Garden Grow (hens, flowers), Basic Backgrounds (letters and numbers)
all by Dylusions by Ranger at Art from the Heart

Well, it's March already. How did that happen?! Here in the UK it feels like spring is finally in the air ... the nights are getting lighter ... it's getting a little warmer ... and the frogs have emerged from their hibernation in my garden pond and have been making a right old racket!

So have you been able to keep up with your calendar pages? I am so pleased that sooo many of you were able to join the challenge last month, it was something of a record! I did manage to visit everyone but one or two blogs were playing up and I couldn't always leave a comment .... The artwork, as usual, has been stunning and all so different :-) Well done for keeping up so far .. two months down, ten to go.

Now, talking of leaving blog comments ... PLEASE TURN YOUR WORD VERIFICATION OFF! The new word verification by blogger is a nightmare and sometimes I have to try 4 times to get the words right. If you are trying to visit over 100 blogs that's just not funny and I'm really not sure that I can get round all the blogs with this new system in place by Blogger. If you are concerned about spam just try moderating your comments instead, much easier all round.

Right, back to my calendar pages. Here's a few photos of the work-in-progress:

I used a mixture of Dylusions stamps, old and new, I thought the funky chickens (How does your garden grow) were suitably spring like.

I repeatedly stamped the Dandelion Clock (from the Bits of this set) in three different colours to create a border along the lower edge.

Here's a close-up of the funky chickens:

And here's February all filled in, just to prove that I do manage to keep up on a daily basis. If you look closely at the 29th you will notice that I asked my husband to marry me this morning and he said 'yes' LOL hahahah!! He would have been in a lot of trouble if he said 'no thanks'!

I don't always fill each day in on a daily basis and then sometimes I forget what happened, miss something off the daily square and have to add it as an extra! LOL!

So, for all of you who are ready and raring to go, here is the link for March. Bring it on!


  1. wow ! this is amazing ! The colours are so bright !

  2. Love your March page, Kate! The chickens are lovely :)
    I try to fill in my days on a daily basis but quite often I forget to do so. It's funny how difficult it is then to remember what you did a couple of days ago! I have a couple of blank days in my calendar, blank in my mind and blank on the page... ;)

  3. Very Funky Chicken!! Love it Kate :) Lucky you "Hello Spring" It's "Hello Autumn" here and we kind of missed having a summer.....I'm hoping for a sunny Autumn! Love your page!

  4. Yoohoo, I'm an early bird this month :D
    Your pages look faberoonie Kate (as always) I like the funky chickens strutting through the dandelion clocks.

  5. i find i really look forward to my daily entry - even if it's not exactly on the right day. This is a wonderful idea; thanks again for providing the cataylist (and for giving me the nudge to turn off that very annoying word verification).

  6. Another gorgeous page, love the little bees, your colours are stunning. I agree with you re the word verification, I'm fed up with it, as you say it can take many goes to leave a comment, in the end I usually give up, lol. xx

  7. Loving your new blue/green colourway for March Kate !

  8. Kate marvelous are these calendar pages. Love them. Beautiful layout and colors. The birds are fabulous and so sweet. I admire your work very much.
    Lovely greet

  9. Kate, thank you SO much for asking people to turn off WV. It's a nightmare now that Blogger has decided we need to spend more time on each blog. I turned mine off in 2008 and have never regretted it. And I don't moderate my messages, either.

    Thanks for showing your wonderful March page in its beginning stages. This is something I truly need to learn.

  10. Just love your March pages, the background is wonderful. The birds are so cute. :)

  11. A lovely page Kate, thanks for keeping us going x

  12. I agree those word varification thingees suck...

    LOVE your calendars!


  13. Grrrrrreat page Kate, in contrast to last month i'm running late, hope to be back later with my page x

  14. Hi Kate,
    This latest calender page is gorgeou. Love those birds and the dandilions, they work a treat.
    I must have a go at this, I say it every month and hace missed February (mind you it went in the blink of an eye) so MUST try the March, no excuses!!
    So glad hubby said "Yes" to your marriage proposal, how sweet. Debbiexx

  15. Gorgeous, I love the colours! I agree with you about word verification, the 'words' are a nightmare.

  16. Love your pages. Need to finish my March ones. Almost done!!! Thanks for the inspiration!!

  17. Love the March layout Kate, its so full of hope and expectation; lighter evenings, flowers, pollination and birds. Joy

  18. I am very new to Journalling and recently came across your blog. I am very interested and have created my very first pages which I have entered into your challenge. I have joined as a follower so I can keep up with everything. You create wonderful pieces of work.

  19. Hi Kate, fab pages as always ;-) I've turned my word verification off, so don't say I never do anything for you lol
    Anne xx

  20. Thanks so much for sharing your process -- it really helps me to see what's going on and how to do things.

    And I am so with you on that word verification thing! It's like some kind of weird science fiction plot, where we are being sorted somehow. Or a plot against people over 50 -- it's a torment, and that's a fact!

  21. Hey Kate love your page ...your colours are great for this month and just love those chickens ...that set is my next to get ....still managing to keep up ..just...have a great month x

  22. Oh Kate I so love the spring like colors and images for your March spread! I'm waiting for some Dylusion stamps to arrive and cannot wait to use them!!
    PS- I had a haircut day in Feb too :):)

  23. oh this looks interesting, I wish I knew what I was looking at? lol...please, if you have time, let me know. blessings, Lady

  24. Kate Your March are my favorite colors. Love the funky chicks too. I don't know what happened to my listing but Feb. showed up. So I re-listed and I think all went well. So sorry! I goofed up.

  25. Super pages as always. Love Cynthia x

  26. Beautiful pages this month Kate, I love the dandilion clock stamp and the funky chickens are so funky!! Loved seeing the process this month.
    I totally agree with the new word verification, I love to look at everyones calander pages and I commented on over 80 of the pages linked on here last month and it took hours because I couldn't read the word verification!I was dreading doing it again this month!!!

  27. Hi Kate, love your calendar pages - wonderful idea and a great way to start a journal page - I absolutely second your comment about blogger - OMG - I thought it was me - it made me NOT leave comments to many many blogs that I wanted to comment on just because I could not get the words right - let's shout that out to everyone

  28. Love your color palette this month and you completed February page! Thanks for encouraging us all! I'm so happy to have found you!

  29. I love your March colours and chickens. Its great fun going round looking at other pages - there is such a variety of colours and ideas. Thanks so much for this blog and setting us this challenge.

  30. I love seeing your pages Kate, even though I don't often join in ....

  31. I do keep a calendar book on the kitchen counter to write everything in....I just copy the important stuff to my art calendar.
    I love the colors for March, they are so cool, yet vibrant....awesome layout.

  32. Love your March pages, Kate! Gorgeous colors and the chicks really pop. Thanks for the encouragement yesterday - I got it to load this morning by adding the image manually from my computer rather than the web page. Happy March!

  33. the softness of your March page is soooo appealing to me! absolutely love it. Thanks for this awesome challenge that offers a great way of keeping memories!

  34. I totally agree on that new word verification thing. When I try on my ipad or iphone I just give up! I think that I'll mention it on my blog too....
    Your March looks so pretty -- I wish that I had time to join in!

  35. Hi Kate, Me again!!
    Managed to enter the March calender challenge, really glad to be able to join you.

    Cannot see my entry on the linky, so just incase It's here:

  36. It's stunning Kate.....and very inspirational!

    Warm hugs

  37. Amazeballs as usual!
    I love how you use colours in your work, I definitely need to be braver making those choices lol
    Ermie x

  38. Congrats! You've been nominated for The Versatile Blogger Award. To read more about it visit my blog -

  39. Love the design at the bottom of your page.
    Thanks for the challenge
    xoxo Sioux

  40. Wonderfull pages Kate. Thank you for hosting this great challenge. It's inspirational seeing so much fabulous art.
    Sue :)

  41. Such terrific colours Kate many wonderful pages in the link ups too.

  42. LOVIN' the funky chickens!! (am I showing my age if I confess to remembering the song?!). Your March pages are absolutely STUNNING, as usual. Gor-jus :o)


  43. Love it, as usual! And you also mentioned one of my biggest pet peeves! That danged word verification captcha nonsense! I hate that, too! Haha!

  44. Beauitful pages Kate, your colours are stunning and I love the use of the date stamper (I know I have one of those somewhere!)

    I've finally added mine, a little late and not some of my best but there's always next month!


  45. Yippee! I have figured out how to turn off the wordy thing so it is now safe to visit my sporadic blog again.
    I keep checking for news of frog spawn - we haven't got any yet.
    Love the little chicks on sticks.
    Off to learn how to do the linky thing for my journal pages now.
    Have fun on Satruday at Dyan's. Not sure I can make it as my mum goes into Jimmy's tomorrow for an operation.


Thanks so much for leaving a comment!