
Sunday 26 February 2012

Featured on ScrappeHuset!

This week I am the featured guest artist on the ScrappeHuset blog in Norway, yay!! Don't worry if you don't speak or read Norwegian, there's a translate button LOL! 

When Torill of ScrappeHuset first asked me if I would be the featured artist, I decided to make an art journal page, and took several step-by-step photos of how I created it. So if you fancy a peek have a look here!

Byeee enjoy the rest of the weekend :-)


  1. I've just a look at the post and it looks really good!

  2. IT's a brilliant article, Kate and love your page - lovely, lovely, lovely! Well done, you!

  3. fab Kate, congratulations. off to have a butchers!

  4. Oooh just been to have a look and it's a *gorgeous* project and I love seeing the different steps in creating it. :)

  5. Awesome, like always!
    Greetings from Slovenia!

  6. Fantastic! Great interview and LOVED the step by step, Kate!

  7. Fab pages over there thanks for sharing x

  8. Love the tutorial on your journal page for your fans in Norway. As always I'm inspired to try somthing new either with technique or color combinations.

  9. I have just looked at the post and see your page. It's fabulous again. And thanks for seeing to make this page.
    Lovely greet

  10. Love your tutorial on the journal page for the fans in Norway. As usual it inspires me to try new ways with color and technique. Always inspired.

  11. Hi Kate, I have been over and seen your gorgeous journal page your have made for ScrappeHuset, it looks fantastic and the instructions so good to follow, It is great to see the things you have used to create dots and circles etc, thank you for showing us your gorgeous work.
    Oh meant to say I saw your gorgeous project in this months Scrap 365 too, I love it, wow you are a busy girl.

  12. Going to have a look now !

  13. Congratulations Kate, fabulous article and step by step, brilliant piece xx

  14. Hi Kate, fabby sneaky peak :-) the workshop below looked like great fun.
    Don't worry about the commenting for 365 Journal I don't know how you can possibly get round everyone anyway.
    Anne xx

  15. Love your post at Scrappehuset!! And for the record - love all of your work!

  16. Congrats to you for the feature, not a surprise really your work is darling!

  17. Thank you for sharing the link. Great journal page! Love the vibrant colors. Thanks for the tip on overlapping onto the figure to make it seem like more of the page.

  18. love the teaser, so off to check out the rest of it! congrets on being guest artist!!! :)

  19. Blooming heck, you're getting around! Sneaky peek looks good, I'll go check out the real deal now :D x

  20. nice work hun, love the Queen Bee and cutting out before colouring, gonna try that next time x

  21. I love your work, each piece is just too cute and so different from the others!!! When I grow up I want to be just like you lol. Could you please advise me on what you use for the face color and the names of the colors you use. I can not seem to get that part right at all.

  22. How awesome Kate!! Fantastic!

  23. I agree looking at your process was AWESOME!!!!!!!!! Thanks for sharing :))Can't wait to try some of your techniques :)

  24. Great tutorial over at ScrappeHuset! Your work is stunning and layered beautifully!


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