
Wednesday, 12 June 2019

Gel Press Printed Patchwork!

It's that time again! Yes, time for another 'Print-to-Project' video for Gel Press, and this time I'm using my Art Printing Texture Plates by Carabelle Studio in quite a different way to create multi-coloured layered backgrounds without the mud. Yes, NO MUD!

Here's a few of my prints ..... 

And in the second video which will follow in a few days, I stick and patchwork my prints to create a background for these adorable little fishies, which I stuck onto a burlap page in my Dina Wakley journal.

Clown Poisson by Alexis for Carabelle Studio
'seaweed' from Crayoned Elements by me! for Carabelle Studio 


  1. Love watching your videos! You always do something unexpected for your prints.

  2. Kate, I love the mix of colours and texture with your prints :)

  3. Stunning, love your finished creation .

  4. FABULOUS papers and your finished project is just inspired! LOVE!

  5. love watching your videos. now signed up for your class. thanks as alwaYs for sharing.

  6. Je démarre juste avec la gel press cadeau de mon fils, et je vous remercie car vous êtes vraiment inspirationnelle pour moi. Continuez vos vidéo, on progresse chaque fois avec vous et vos arrières plans sont tellement beaux, on en prend plein les yeux

    1. Thank you so much! Don't forget to look at the 'GelPress' tab at the top of my blog for all my videos. Also there is a free to watch lesson on facebook here:


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