
Tuesday 7 April 2015

Out of my comfort zone ...

for Stampotique Originals

I hold a regular art journalers workshop at my fab local art shop - Art from the Heart - and a fab bunch of hard-core journalers come along once a month to get painty and messy, and generally try out new things. They like to push me and give me ideas for future classes ... things they'd like to try, and this month they have pushed me right out of my comfort zone. BLACK AND WHITE!!!

As you know, colour generally rocks my world, so when you take that away ... well, let's just say it was a shock to the system. But the funny thing is I really enjoyed it. Really. I had to work at the whole balance, texture, composition thing because I could not rely on my tried and tested colour combos,  but now I am actually very happy with the result.

But of course, I couldn't stop there. I then wanted to try out black and white with a pop of colour, and this I really do like :-) Mmmm, black, white and a touch of Magenta. Lovely.

for Stampotique Originals

Stepping out of your comfort zone is hard, and it doesn't always work. But sometimes, it pushes you to try new things ... to work a little harder ... and the sense of achievement is truly worth it.

And here they are side by side on my little desk easel ... surrounded by colour of course.

 If you are coming along to my regular art journaling class this weekend, you will need a white pen. And if you can't make it but want to try the black/white thing then don't worry, you can do it next time (are you listening Pam?!)


  1. Love the monotone effect with just a pop of colour, fab pages
    Amanda x

  2. I love both. Awesome job on the black and white backgrounds! Just love them!

  3. These are so wonderful, I love the black and white theme. Nicely done Kate!!!

  4. Ooh I love it! I'm a BIG fan of black & white w/ a pop of colour ;) A lot of my artwork is like that.

  5. Wauw, this is great. I love this black and white!!

  6. you really rose to that challenge - amazing pages! I love colour with a pop of black and white, haven't tried it the other way, may give it a go ;)

  7. Stunning layers of colours and textures Kate, i love greys but not too sure how to use them. Hoping to book a class with you later in the year! :-) xxx

  8. You did a fabulous job with the black and white! I was just browsing on Pinterest and I noticed these pages; as soon as I saw that they were yours, I had to pop over to your blog so I could comment. All the different shades you used created a spectacular result. Bravo!

  9. I love this! The color seem to pop more on the B&W base!

  10. These are just fabulous pages kate and really loving the extra added pink.
    x catherine

  11. Very different for you, but they're both absolutely gorgeous.

  12. Just gorgeous! Love both of them with all the texture!

  13. I just placed my first order with Stampotique thanks to you moving out of your comfort zone. These are absolutely gorgeous!

  14. The colour pop beautifully with the monochrome

  15. Hooray, you brave girl. I love the black and white pages!

  16. What very pleasing pieces of artwork Kate. I especially love those with a 'pop' of bright colour.


  17. The black and white is brilliant Kate. Must have a go!


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