
Monday 15 September 2014

Inspired by Journal Soup 2!

by Louise

Well, what a week it's been! Only a week or so ago I finally managed to upload all the files to Vimeo for my latest on-line class, and I been overwhelmed by the enthusiastic response :-) There's a very active group over on Facebook where photos of art work are being shared and to see the art that has been created through Journal Soup 2 makes my heart sing! It's interesting to see everyone's individual touches added ... no two pages look alike even though they were created from the same tutorials.

Without further ado ... here are some of the wonderful pages which have been shared in the last week (Thanks so much to everyone for allowing me to share):

by Michaela

by Danielle

by Catherine

by Chris

by Lesley

by Soraya

by Louise

by Gerrittina

A fabric version by Susan 

by Becky

by Tracy

By Kirsty

by Danielle

by Lois

by Maggie

by Susan

by Lesley

by Morning Dove

by Joy

So, what's everyone been saying?

I have watched the intro and part of lesson 1 and now really want to buy a heat too. I loved Journal Soup 1 and cannot wait to try all the techniques you teach in Journal Soup 2. Thank you so much for offering these classes. You are a wonderful teacher! Jean

Loving this course. Danielle

I am loving the class! Robyn

After a long absence from being arty journal soup has got me going again! Maggie

Kate I had such fun, thank you so much! Biggest tip was the colour wheel I'd have never put green as this background. Louise

.... you've opened my eyes to art journalling. I'm so glad to have found a teacher who is English and explains things slowly and clearly. No disrespect to our USA cousins but we Brits understand our own language when it comes to art materials etc that bit better. Thanks Kate Crane!

Really enjoyed this, feeling inspired and I've a shopping list the length of my arm now! Louise

I love your style of teaching. Lois

Highly recommend! Loving it. Danielle

Just finished the first class after a lovely day playing around with these ideas Kate. It was great to take time over it. Actually completed a couple of art journal pages too! Loving it! Chris

I love art journaling and I particularly love Kate's work. I've been lucky enough to attend some of her workshops. She's a great teacher. Looking forward to this second Journal Soup. Chris 

Fab class by a fab teacher. Kirsti

I love owls and Kate's way of drawing whimsical suits me perfectly. Tracy

Kate your class is actually helping me find my style which is much more than I anticipated. Danielle

Awww, shucks. Thanks everyone, and thanks for sharing your lovely art :-)

The details of my latest on-line offering can be seen *here*.

And I leave you with this photo, which I love! Taken by Lesley as she created along to Journal Soup 2.... you can see the vid playing on her i-pad as she creates in her journal. My, what a whole new world the internet has opened up! Not so long ago we couldn't even have dreamed of on-line classes. Now, we can take on-line classes on-line AND interact with each other, share what we're doing, ask questions, advise each other, and most of all inspire each other.

Bye for now!


  1. Hi Kate, they are all fab and yes so different. I am such a Journal soup junky, thanks for the great tutorials. Susan :)

  2. Oooooo I'm famous lol we have a brilliant lot of work xxx

  3. Fantastic post, loving all the inspirational pages and colours. Have been contemplating joining but don't do FB... :-) xxx

    1. That's ok, you don't need to be on FB, it's just that's it's a useful place for instant sharing. The videos are hosted in a private group on vimeo which has a forum and the opportunity to ask questions etc. kate x

  4. Haha...didn't notice my page when I flipped through on my phone...thanks...better get on with JS1 if I want to get JS2....Loving it! Xxx

  5. Cool to hear about not needing FB - I've ditched it- so, now I need to sign up!! I love how different everyone's art is! xo

  6. Oh, everyone is taking the same class and coming up with such individual work. I just love that! You must be a fantastic teacher.

  7. I was wondering what the dollar conversion might be? About $36?

    1. A bit less I think Dana - about $29, but of course it varies day to day!

  8. got them both now just need to find time to start, canny wait x


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