
Friday 1 August 2014

A new month!

Bicycle stamp and large alphabet stamps by Tim Holtz
Small alphabet stamps by Hero Arts

Yes, yes, I know I'm showing you JULY when it's AUGUST. The reason is that although I'm here I'm not really here, I'm taking some time away from the wi-fi (yikes!) to spend some quality time with my lovely family during the summer hols :-)

So, here is July in it's unfinished state but on my return I'll have July completed ready to share and August ready-to-go! Of course July just HAD to be about the Tour de France as it passed through my homeland of Yorkshire, and us Yorkshire people could not have more excited or more proud! It was a truly exciting and awesome occasion.... the whole of our area was covered in yellow bikes and bunting galore, so I just had to represent that in my calendar page. We waited on the roadside for about 4 hours to see the bikes whizz by, and the whole thing passed us in approx 30 seconds, but my kids declared it the best day ever!

So, as usual if you'd like to share here the link is below, but of course you can also share on Facebook and flickr. A huge thanks to all of you who continue to participate in this on-going challenge. There is a huge wealth of inspiration to be found in the various places we all share our art so do go and take a look.


  1. Oh what fun it would have been to see that race. I watched it on TV, at least when I could find it. It was really magnificent, and I was SO impressed with the scenery: everything from the lush gorgeous hills and valleys to the charming homes and commercial buildings along the route. It was a good few days for me, too!

    Hope you are enjoying your holiday. even though this American would call it a vacation (grin). And thanks for hosting this event each month and giving us wonderful examples of great calendar pages.

  2. Beautiful background Kate! reminds me of the ocean ")

  3. Love the images you used...the flags are adorable.

  4. Lovely, doodly July page Kate! Enjoy your precious family time!
    Alison x

  5. Kathryn, love your finished calendar. August creeped up behind me!!! LOL But I got mine done today and some journaling. Love this adventure!

  6. I completely understand the "away from Wi-Fi" thing as I did just that myself recently. I think it's refreshing! I watched almost all of the tour as I'm kinda obsessed with it-even to the point of following in my French atlas(sorry I don't have a UK one or I would have done that too:) LOVE your July calendar!


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