
Tuesday 3 June 2014

Calendars, holidays and doodling

Just to prove I am on top of this challenge, here is May finished! June is (as usual) a work in progress. I am just ever-so-slightly late each month but despite that I do mostly keep on top of things! If you're still doing the challenge (and plenty of you are!) you'll find the link at the bottom of this post so that you can share your awesome art, and don't gorget it's on Facebook and flickr too.

I have just come back from a few days away with my family on the very beautiful Isle of Skye (Scotland, UK). It's a long long drive but totally worth it when you get there. The weather was unusually good and it didn't rain once all week woohoo!

I came across this old fishing boat ... absolutely love the decay and the colours:

Lots and lots of cute croft houses with thatched roofs ... complete with weights:

 Amazing sunsets! And did you know, that on the Isle of Skye in June it doesn't really get dark?! (Although that can lead to a few arguments with the kids about whether it's really bedtime!)

 No holiday would be complete without a bit of beach combing:

And doodling! Is there a better place to doodle than on a beautiful beach?! My husband captured these pics of me, up to my usual tricks ;-)

And here are a few completed pages in my Art Doodle Love book. For those of you who don't know (where have you been?!) this is a book with ready-made backgrounds, and lots of doodle prompts encouraging you to get creative. It's a fab book for journaling on-the-go because all you need are a few coloured pencils and you're off! I completed these pages with Prismacolor and Polychromos pencils.

This page was mostly done before I got to skye, but I managed a little doodle of the scenery on the lower left:

This page was mostly done on the beach. Her face is slightly blue because of the colour of the background ... it gives her a bit of an Avatar quality I think!

And finally, this page has been on-going over months! I just add a bit as and when I feel like it.

Ah well, it's back down to earth with a bump this week! Shopping, cleaning, unpacking and washing. Don't even mention the washing! Arghh!

And finally, thanks to all of you who have booked onto my classes at The Artistic Stamper (Kent, UK) in November which sold out in record time :-)) If you didn't manage to get a place, keep an eye out here .... just saying ;-)

Bye for now ......


  1. Skye sounds wonderful, we've stayed up there on the mainland a couple of times but never done the islands, although they're on my list!! Fab journal pages, your blue girl is great and I love that she's more avatar than smurf ;)

  2. Looks like a great holiday and no rain is a boost. I did smile at the weights on the roof though :-)

  3. Wonderful photos Kate- thanks for sharing some of your holiday with us! xo

  4. I'd love to visit Skye, looks like my kinda holiday! Great photos & doodling Kate.
    Alison xxx

  5. Loved Skye, stayed in Uig many years ago, such a stunning place for inspiration. Hope you got to see the otters they are funny and make the most amazing noise.

    Fantastic pages from your journals, one day i would like to be able to journal like you :-)

    1. Hey, we stayed in Uig too - what a great place! It's so wild, I loved it! I didn't get to see the otters but my husband and daughter did - they said the otters grunted at them LOL!

  6. Hello matey, lovely photos of such a gorgeous place........ Loving the journaling too! If you fancy taking in washing I have plenty! Great to have you back xx
    Kaz x

  7. Looks beautiful up there, I've not managed to get that far up, and confession time not finished my May page yet either :( But I will this week. Elizabeth xxx Love your journals x

  8. I can tell I'm on the wrong side of the pond to truly appreciate Skye, but I certainly loved the photos. and of course, your calendar pages always have such beauty and COLOR.

  9. Love your calender and looks like you had a fab time in Skye !

  10. love your arty journal pages(always SO colorful which I love), the calendar and your photos of the Isle of Skye! Scotland is on my bucket list and I've seen other photos of this place where a fellow artist/blogger lives-how beautiful!

  11. I just have to tell you Kate, as you were working on your journal, sitting on that rock with that beautiful background, you looked absolutely darling in your jeans and so tiny too. That's it...... I'm jealous. What a great figure you have Kate, I wish I fit into my jeans that well. Hope all is going great on your side of the pond. Take care, Shannon Sawyer

    1. Ahh, Shannon, so sweet of you to say :-) Maybe the camera just got me at a great angle! But yes, the surroundings were fabulous.


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