
Friday 27 June 2014

A Facebook give-away ...

Over the last year or two I have felt a definite shift away from blogs and a move towards Facebook. I'm not sure if this is a good thing or not. I like blogs - they have a history and you can share so much more detail than you can on FB. But FB is fast, instant, and fulfils our need to have everything at our fingertips immediately. Don't get me wrong, I love Facebook and can spend a lot of time browsing not here, but although things are instant they also disappear quickly and get lost.
So, I'm going to keep blogging AND face booking! Over on Facebook my art page has just passed 1,000 likes which I am absolutely delighted about :-)) and to celebrate I'm having a give-away on Facebook.
A sneaky peek into my notebook....

Some time ago I took a lovely class with Mindy Lacefield in which she shared her knowledge of stamp burning, something which I have embraced and have done a lot of ever since! 

The designs benefit from a little doodling ...

For my give-away I have come up with some new designs so if you would like to be in with a chance to win then you have to hop on over to my art page on FB here, like my page, and leave me a comment. You have until 5th July, when I will randomly select a winner.

Good luck! Byee for now ....


  1. Yeeeeeeeeh These are great! I commented on FB :)

  2. Gorgeous stamps Kate, whoever wins them is very very lucky xx

  3. I second everything you´ve said about FB and blogs - thank you, and let´s keep up blogging!!

  4. Hi Kate, I feel the same! I'm a bit addicted to FB and can't help sharing stuff there first. It's nice to be able to write a bit more in depth though when the mood suits! Viva la blog!

  5. okay, these stamps are even more awesome than I can say!! So , if I don't win these on FB...are you going to sell these too Kate? (grin)
    On the topic of blogging, Seth Apter recently did an awesome post in regards to the questions of blogging falling away. You would be surprised how many people chimed in with contrary opinions! Many said they have tried all of the other media options and as you mentioned above- pages/posts fall away- where with a blog, it is easily recovered from archives. So, I'm just saying, so glad to hear that you will continue to blog- to me, it is much more personal than a fly by LIKE! Cheers Kate! and sorry for filling up your comment section! teehee xo

  6. I would love to learn more about stamp burning. Was this an online class?

    1. It's a trick I picked up from Mindy Lacefield, but I will be including it in my next on-line class - Journal Soup 2 - coming soon!!

  7. Hi Kate, I don't have Facebook and am glad that you are still keeping your blog going.

    Love the stamps you have made.


  8. Hola Kate! Sus sellos son absolutamente adorables!! Yo también soy de la misma opinión respecto a FB. Está muy bien, pero el blog es un trabajo mucho más duradero. En el blog está toda la historia y el trabajo de la persona. Yo disfruto muchísimo visitando blogs y viendo trabajos anteriores, y además el blog es algo más íntimo y personal que el FB. Saludos cordiales.
    Estaría encantadísima de ganar uno de esos preciosos sellitos. Me llevo su post a mi página. Saludos cordiales

  9. I saw this post in Jan's blog roll (Laughing Dog Arts) so I had to come over to see what you said. I love the blogs and hate that so many have let theirs go. I find the posts on blogs to be more personal and have found far better cyber friends on the blogs. FB is so impersonal but certainly has its purpose especially if you are marketing a product.

  10. These are just cuteness! Love them! Thanks for the opportunity...hopping on over to your FB!

  11. Firstly, let me say your stamps are FABULOUSLY AWESOME!!! Secondly, I have FB and a blog and find FB moves so quickly it's almost impossible to find something even a couple of days old. A blog on the other hand, as it is archived, is so easy to go back to find the post you are looking for, so keep blogging, I say!!!


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