
Monday 3 March 2014

Daily journaling - March already!

This month I was so, so close to being ready on time ... but not close enough LOL! Ah well, 3rd march isn't too bad! Spring seems to be arriving in the UK although I'm probably going to jinx it by just saying that. So, I went for spring greens and yellows, and used my *new* Dina Wakley birdy stamps. Isn't it gorgeous?

And just to prove that I do actually fill in each day with my thoughts and ramblings, here is February all filled in. I love the way the monthly calendar grows and changes over the month. I always think it looks so much better once it has been filled in.

The link is below if you'd like to add a link to your blog (link to the actual post please), and don't forget about the ever-growing and very active facebook group, and the long-standing Flickr group too! Happy journaling everyone!


  1. Great calender entry Kate !

  2. Love your Spring Calendar Kate....the birdy is gorgeous. xx

  3. lovely page Kate and Im waiting impatiently to get those bird stamps

  4. Love your March page super bright colours, I do love the little Dina Wakley birds, have to get hubby to treat me to them..

  5. Since it's snowing here, I love the green and thoughts of spring in your lovely March calendar.

  6. Lovely bright colours and very Spring like!

  7. Still pleased to see that bloggers can join in - I just don't do Facebook and don't think I ever will - I know - never say never!! Love your pages and the lovely bird! Spring does seem to springing! Chrisx

  8. Love your greens! And that Dina Wakely bird is too cute! Gotta get one! LOL

  9. Love that Spring calendar page! Gorgeous colours & that little bird is very cute.

  10. Love the little birdie on March! Lovely calendar.

  11. oh what a beautiful Spring theme and colors for March Kate-I love it!

  12. Lovely Spring page Kate, that birdie is gorgeous! I need to carve a birdie of my own!
    Happy March!
    Alison xxx

  13. I always love what you do and since my backyard has heard all that chatter I love that little bird. must check out stamps. I've been very sick but will finish my calendar soon I hope. gives me something to work toward - out of that bed and to artful play.


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