
Monday 1 October 2012

A new month!

Basic Backgrounds, Birds on a wire by Dylusions
Goat Monster, Monster line up by Kira Nichols for Stampotique 

Well, it's the 1st October today and you know what that means, it's calendar show-and-tell time!

I couldn't decide which colours to use for my September page, so I did what I always do in that situation and use them all :-)

Here's how it looked before I journaled all over it:

I added this quote for September because of the hideously wet weather we have had in the UK, not just during September but all year, and the inevitable flooding which has been happening on a regular basis. The ground can't seem to take any more water, and the month of September seems to have been the worst month yet for flooding :-(

I love all of Kira's new monsters for Stampotique so I dotted them around in various places on my page.....

....but for a slightly  more sinister look I also added a few Dylusions crows:

So, who's still in?! A big well done if you are :-)) We have now completed 9/12 so only 3 months to go until we can give ourselves a big pat on the back for journaling 366 (it's a leap year, remember!!)

If you would like to share your completed September page and / or your October page ready to go, here's the link for this month:


  1. Oh Kate, there is so much to see on your Calander, he is so beautiful. I made my first one with only half a month i will show you.


  2. I'm still loving this calender challenge Kate :) Sooooooo much scope for creativity!! I LOVE those monsters also.........very cute...I'll have to get me some of those!

  3. Hiya Kate
    Gorgeous September apge, love love the new monsters, especially the little green one peeping in fromm the right hand side, so sweet!

    I am sorry I have not entered the calender linky since July, jsut been so busy with Scrapbook Commisions (lots of money for new stamps!)!!
    But I will try to enter the October one, I have some new stamps so want to use them, and now i have your DVD, no excuse for not knowing what to do!!
    Hope to see you at the weekend at Dy's shop.

  4. I was just commenting on my post how awesome your calendar pages always are, but I forgot how COLORFUL they are, too. Color me impressed!

  5. Hi Kate,

    I just LOVE it!

  6. September looks wonderful, Kate. I love all the colors, and how you added the birds and monsters.

  7. What wonderful September pages.Love the colours and the images dotted around! Enjoy October.

  8. Gorgeous spread Kate! I love the little monster that is on the right hand hand side. He really makes me laugh! And, ok, since it's October now, is it safe ask if you're going to continue this next year? I didn't join this year because of all the hoopla that went on last year (turned out to be right decision too since we had even more hoopla this year!), but am thinking of joining again next year if you do ity. Ok, end of world's longest comment lol.

    1. Hi Carin, I should think the calendar challenge will continue into 2013. People's enthusiasm starts to wear off a little towards the end of a year, but the start of a new year brings renewed enthusiasm usually! See you in 2013 ;-)

  9. This was something I had wanted to do for a year...I finally did it!! Loved it!!

  10. Once again an inspiration Kate! I love the idea of not knowing what colour to use so use all of them! Just fantastic! Chrisx

  11. fantastic page again, love all those colours, wonderful

  12. I still haven't got around to doing this..... Maybe next year!

  13. Fabulous pages as always Kate :-)
    How come the font is sooooo tiny?
    Anne x

  14. i don't want to look at your page to much, or we might need another intervention on me again for 'Kate Crane'addiction, lol! You never fail to impress me!

    I'm so happy i started to play along with your challenge in January. My calendar is really growing on me as time goes by!


  15. I am still here Kate and enjoying every minute. Love your bright colors.I too love the little green monster!

  16. Hi Kate, Love all the colors. I am guessing that they are Dylusion spray inks in small bits. I also love Kira's monsters, they look so cute on the pages. I am going to try and join the calendar pages for 2013, if you are still doing them then. As usual inspiring to see and then create something myself. Diane

    1. Hi Dlee, I actually used my old Dylusions paints for this page (I so wish they were still making those!!) Hope you will join in in 2013!

  17. Wonderful September page Kate. I like those colours together, and the new stamps are coooool! Michelle x

  18. I love this! :) especially the crows
    I was already keeping a calender for journaling... but they were plain grids on white. Since I stumbled across yours, they have gotten much more colourful! And I am less likely to skip days when I have a fun calender page to fill in :)

  19. Me,Me!!! I'm still in!! Your September pages are so fantastic Kate!!!Hmmm.... I didn't see October here tho....:):)

  20. Amazing page! And yeah, I am still in!!!!! :-))))

  21. just discovered this and am joining up. Do you put your months in a dedicated book, or in your art journal? Just curious. And I love your colors and imagery!

    1. Hi Jessica, Welcome to the challenge :-) We all do things differently, but I do my calendar pages in the back of a large journal, and journal as normal from the front! But I know a lot of people keep a separate journal for their calendar. Kate

  22. Hi Kate, just have to leave this comment.... WOW! Your calander pages are so inspiring, full of colours, just bursting out of every page, they are truly fabulous. I would love to have a go :o) is it too late to join in?

  23. This challenge has been so great to participate in. I can't believe I've managed to keep up all these months (although I'm usually a few days to a week late in linking)! As a newbie at this sort of thing,I have learned so much from visiting all the links.

    Your pages are, as usual, just incredible and inspiring. I always love your colors and your style.

  24. Month 10 and I am still joining in!!! I am amazed (and already talking about taking part next year...I assume you will be doing it again next year?).

    I love your pages this month and the stamps you have used.


    1. H Kyla, Thanks for keeping up with the calendar challenge! Yes, I'm sure the calendar challenge will still be going next year ... there seems to be a lot of people still interested :-))

  25. Gahhh, missed again. Well, the calender is ready and all filled in until september and most of october. The rest of october are on scrappaper for the time beeing. Now I´m abroad and without my calender, but everthing is kept safe in journaling until I´m back home again. Will do my blogging in the end of november instead.


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