
Friday 7 September 2012

This and that....

Just so you know, Craft Stamper (UK) is out in the shops today, and if you grab yourself a copy you will see that I have an article in this months issue using Steampunk stamps by Chocolate Baroque and yummy Dylusions ink sprays.

 I ALMOST chose a neutral/grungy colour scheme for this project but in the end I went for BRIGHTS! Here's a sneak peek... and look! There's even a bit of glitter woohoo!! 

I loved using these funky Steampunk stamps, and of course I always love Dylusions ink sprays :-) So go and grab a copy, it's in the shops today, or you can get a copy *here*.

Yesterday saw me at the wonderful Art from the Heart teaching a workshop, using the *new* Stampotique stamps. Here they are, hard at work inking and colouring, with possibly a bit of tongue-sticking-out concentration:
Pam, Gemma, Bryan (who is looking super-nice in his pink pinny), Donna, Tracy, Jill.

If you have seen my DVDs you may recognise this layout, and this is what we were creating yesterday using the new stamps:

Goat Monster by Kira Nichols, Journey Collage by Amy Wilson Wellenstein for Stampotique
Basic backgrounds, Doodle parts, and ink sprays by Dylusions.

I have noticed something strange happening in my ledger journal (and it only happens in this journal). If I have used Archival inks which are oil based, the oil must seep through to other pages in the book, because when I spray inks onto a clean page the ink gets soaked up by the oil and I get an exact replica of the stamping from other pages! Ha! A ready-made background! Whether I wanted it or not!

Today, my children are at school, the house is empty and peaceful .... but hang on a minute. Where's the dog? 

She's always behind me, but she's nowhere to be seen. 

Hmmmm, it's suspiciously quiet, she must be doing something she's not supposed to be doing.

Ah, there she is! What was that rule about 'no dogs on the furniture'?! Shall I turf her off or leave her there? She looks mighty cosy ..............

Byee for now........


  1. Love your page Kate, as always. The Goat Monster is a great image. We have to order more of your DVD's here in Florida as we completely SOLD OUT.

  2. The same thing is happening in my ledger book, too! It's sort of cool, but also sort of annoying.... I'm finding I like it better if I double up the pages with a glue stick - they're a little more sturdy and not so fragile. I'm hoping it will help with the seeping through issue.

  3. How could you turn her off? If the teddy is allowed, I am sure she is, too! Valerie

  4. Ooh, I really wish I'd been there at your workshop the other day rather than stuck at work in 'stressful September'. I loved the Stampotique one I did with you and the chance to play with the new stamps would have been great. No leave allowed until November now so will have to just grit my teeth and get on with it :-(

  5. Ha! Years ago we had a huge rottweiler. Wonderful...sneaky dog. She was an inside dog and one day we left to go shopping or something and got a few blocks down the road and realized we forgot back to the house ...opened the door and there she was ...all 130pounds of her up on my couch looking at us with the saddest 'Oh Shit' was too adorable to be mad at her.....Hugs! deb

  6. Ah leave her on the bed she does look so peaceful!
    Great blue steampunky project, great colour and stamps.
    Hey it looks different in the workshop at AFTH have they changed the layout?

  7. Gorgeous creations Kate, the stamping and use of templates is great as well as the them!

    greetings, Alie :-)

  8. Hi again Kate.
    Just picked up my copy of Craft Stamper and the projects you have made with the Chocolate Baroque Steampunk Stamps are just gorgeous. I especially love the ATC Hanger, cannot wait to have a go at that, love the ladies winged boot, just stunning. The blue is beautiful.
    Like you, I never thought of Steampunk being this vibrant colour, but actually I prefer it to the muted grungy colours.

  9. She should stay on the bed! lol I love your article in Craft Stamper, the colours are fab.

  10. So nice the doodling under the card, and I love the pages with the new stamps, those colours . I have the inkt sprays to, are so beautiful!

    groetjes Coby

  11. Indeed time flies is reality. Your pages are so awesome and I must laugh to read where is my dog. Indeed mighty cosy. Did you have her there??
    Lovely greet and a nice weekend

  12. ahh I would leave her, she looks so comfortable. My children were back to school today so I had a lovely peaceful day too x Lavinia

  13. Top task for next week to watch your DVD's 1 & 2 (and then purchase 3 & 4). On list list of what I want to do in 2013, to do a workshop with you!!!!

  14. They really were concentrating in that class-but how lucky they are!!Love your new pages of course-and I noticed the liquid pearls . I was lucky to find a three pack in metallic gold,silver and bronze-and at a discount!!
    PS-leave her there-she's just keeping it warmfor you :)

  15. love this CB plate Kate - have just invested in it and I'm looking forward to sitting down to read your article later. it looks fab!

  16. You must leave her there, she looks disgusted that you woke her up. A happy accident with the Archival ink I'd say, art definitely from the unplanned heart. I love the way the page goes from bright orange to bluey green, that contrast is just gorgeous. I wanted craft stamper today but didn't get the chance to get it. I probably won't tomorrow either, its gonna have to be Sunday, booo. But I can't wait to see it. Michelle xx

  17. Will have to see if I can find the mag here in the U.S. Love your journal page. Those new Stampington stamps are so cute. I've still not bought any and need to remedy that soon.

    And don't they have the saying about letting sleeping dogs lie in the UK as well?! I think it applies more to leaving things go, but she DOES look so comfy cozy all piled up in the bed!

  18. fantastic pages and such a sweet doggy (give a big hug from me please)

  19. Congrats on the article and the workshop! Love the page and it looks like your group was into it! The dog...let him stay!

  20. After seeing your blue SteamPunk samples in Craft Stamper, I rushed right over to buy that steampunk bug that you used, had to have it. Isn't it weird how us stampers will see a stamp used in a certain way, or the image jumps right out at us and grabs ahold of us and we just know that we have to buy the stamp immediately. Being inspired by another artist's work is what that is, and it happens to me often with your artwork. Take care!

  21. Yes leave her on the bed, we had a Doberman and if left in the house alone, she would get up on the sofa....droopy ears and a sad look what do you do ?.. Now off to source your DVD....

  22. Yes leave her on the bed, we had a Doberman and if left in the house alone, she would get up on the sofa....droopy ears and a sad look what do you do ?.. Now off to source your DVD....

  23. Love these CB stamps (have used them sooo much) and love your journal page with them, great colours xx


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