
Wednesday 27 June 2012

Step away from the colours!!

Lovely are the Sound by Daniel Torrente
Crow Line by Janet Klein
Splatter Long by Jo Capper-Sandon
Journey Collage by Amy Wilson Wellenstein

It's Stampotique Challenge time again! And this time Val has challenged to us to step out of the box, outside of our comfort zone. Here's what Val has to say:

We all get used to our usual way of working, our favorite styles, our favorite supplies, our favorite tools, our favorite themes. It's time to try something new - get outta that box - and enjoy it!!!!

I decided to really challenge myself with this one and step away from COLOUR!! Yikes! I just love colour ... had you noticed?! Some people do the vintage/neutral/shabby chic thing so well but I don't mind admitting I find it really tough if I can't reach for my fave colours. But that's what a challenge is all about isn't it? If you don't find it a bit tough then it's not a challenge is it?!

I used Distress inks in Walnut Stain and Antique Linen to create my background and then added a bit more depth by stamping Splatter Long, and parts of the Journey Collage stamp in the same colours.

I stamped "lovely are the Sound' and coloured him with fairly neutral / autumnal colours of Distress Ink and then I added 'Crow line'. I love 'Crow Line' - it's just a little bit sinister (nice!) so I added it on the front and on the inside too:

For the quote, I stamped Journey Collage onto old text. This is a really big stamp - great for backgrounds, but here I just cut out the phrases that I wanted. I love stamps that lend themselves to being used in different ways :-)

If you feel like clambering out of your comfort zone and joining us in this fun challenge, have a look at the Stampotique Designers blog here for all the details.

So, who fancies joining the Stampotique Design Team? Yup, there's a call out for more DT members. Come and join us. We're quite nice really :-)  Here are some of the details:

Stampotique Design Team Call!

Stampotique has not had a design team all in awhile, and we know a lot of you have been asking-so here is your opportunity! We are looking for creative, inspiring, and friendly stampers to help promote Stampotique rubber stamps.
Our call is open to everyone and Stampotique stamps are not required to be used in your submission, but of course we would LOVE to see your use of our stamps.
This call will only be opened for 2 weeks from Saturday, June 23 and closing on Saturday, July 7th. The design term will be August 2012-December 2012.

For more details click here. Good luck!


  1. wow Kate......, this is just awesome and yes, you really got out of your comfort zone, but I think you did a great job, lol.

  2. Ooohhh I LOVE this! Don't get me wrong..I love your colourful stuff but I do LOVE this:)

  3. Love your card Kate, so different for you too !!

  4. I love what you did here. Though it's not your colour style it's still your style.

  5. Brown and grungy, my fav look, love the card x

  6. Thought I'd arrived at the wrong blog at first. But I love your monochrome feel and think you've done a brilliant job outside your comfort zone!

  7. It all matches perfect Kate...the background, the stamps, the text ... gorgeous!

    greetings, Alie :-)

  8. HI Kate I LOVE THIS !!!!!!! There's so much depth in your work and the sentiment is FAB ........ so true. Hugs xxx :)

  9. This is terrific & you've proved to yourself that you CAN do the non-colour thing!! :) I love this combination of distress inks, so you have inspired me to have a go too.

  10. It may not have colour but it is still your unmistakeable style! Love it x

  11. Wow, I love it. Even without colours, I recognize your unique style!

  12. Fantastic Kate. Really awesome again. Also the innside of your card with the birds. Beautiful. And I love your text. Really true.
    Lovely greet

  13. This is wonderful..I love brown and this is a work of art!! Love it! Trace x

  14. This is a wonderful step out of the box, Kate!

  15. Fab as usual, even without the colors. I love the quote. You nearly always stitch the edges, which adds great texture. Do you do this before you adhere it to the ATC and what type of adhesive do you use?

    1. Hi Renee, Yes I often add stitching. I stitched the main panel to a piece of dark brown card before I added the whole panel to the front of the greetings card. Usually when making greetings cards i use good quality double-sided tape (sellotape) but I have just run out so when I made this card I reached for the nearest thing which happened to be Diamond Glaze! Hah! It seemed to do the trick!

  16. Fantastic card, love it!

  17. This is gorgeous. I love it! It's monochrome but still very much *you*... it's like someone took a photo of one of your works and turned it sepia! :) I love all the splatters on the background.


  18. So cool,great step out of your box :)

  19. For you stepping out of your comfort zone you did an absolutely wonderful job I love this!! FAB! No one would ever know that this is not your usual did a great job...really! <3

  20. This is so fantatsic Kate and a great job with the distress colours. Love it and looking forward to the preview day next month.
    x catherine

  21. What comfort zone you look like a natural to me!
    Happy craftin

  22. that's wonderful Kate. your sentiment really made me smile.

  23. I like it! Subtle... subtle can be good... and it's a good thing to step completely out of your comfort zone sometimes. Makes you look at your usual colours in a whole new way!

  24. I love it! I love brights but usually do not work with them as I just started. Earth-tones have always been my favorite. You did a gorgeous job with these. TFS

    BTW my newsletter from Stampington & Company:) I agree and love your blog and yoru work.


  25. This is a gorgeous card Kate and just total proof that jumping out of your comfort zone sometimes can really pay off. I agree with many others in that even if the colours are not 'you' your unmistakable style shines through. Blimey, that must have been so hard not to reach for all the fab colours you usually use, did you go and have a colour fix/fest afterwards??
    Hugs x

  26. Fab blog post title! And although this is very different for you I'd say you were a 'natural' with these shades ;) Gorgeous, if a little sinister

  27. I would be stepping outside my comfort zone too with the neutrals. I'm a huge fan of colour and it would be very hard to rein me in. You have such a beautiful rich sepia colour from your mix of the distress inks too. It makes the wings look so fantastically prominent and the copper circles just give it that Kate touch. I love it. Michelle x

  28. Awesome piece, Kate| You do grunge quite well despite any misgivings... it's fabulous! Love the random letters and sneak of color on his wings. Gorgeous.

  29. Kate, Apparently there is no out of your comfort zone for you, because this project is so you and the colore may be a little darker than you are use to, but boy do you make them look great. Question, you said you used Distress Inks were those the reinkers or the padsand did you use the water method and spread them around as we have seen both you and Dyan do? When you have time and come down from cloud nine let me know please. Diane- Seattle

  30. fabulous card again, love those colours

  31. this may be out of your comfort zone, it's still in the eye candy zone!

  32. Yikes! so used to seeing colour colour colour on your pages Kate, but this is fab nonetheless
    Anne x

  33. Ooh, not a step away from your comfort zone but a massive leap! No bright colours but this works so well....its like something from a Tim Burton film! Love it.


  34. Oh wow I LOVE this - the colours are so unusual and striking!!

  35. Well your sepia tones are just as stunning as your colors-beautiful!

  36. Kate, this is just fantastic! You managed to maintain so much light even using these darker tones! Completely fabulous! You've rocked this challenge!
    Val :)


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