
Tuesday 5 June 2012


No art to show you today I'm afraid ... I have been too busy celebrating the Queen's Diamond Jubilee! Wow, what a great (long) weekend it's been. It seems like us Brits really do know how to party! As a family we 'uhmmed and ah-ed' about what to do for the weekend and in the end we decided to stay put and enjoy the festivities around our village and we were not disappointed.

The float parade through the village was a real highlight! Here's are a couple of brass band members having a chin-wag before the start:

And here they are oom-pa-pa-ing their way through the village, just behind the May Queen, and just in front of a row of seriously shiny and polished tractors pulling the floats. Never seen tractors so shiny before. Come to think of it, I haven't seen them drive that slowly through our village before either!

So much bunting everywhere. It makes one feel very ... er ... British.

It wouldn't be a British bank holiday without a torrential downpour though would it?! Still, with true British spirit we didn't let it dampen our spirits.

So what else have I been doing? Well, I've been getting ready for a bit of this:

Yes, I'm off down south (well, south for me anyway!) to film some more Art Journaling DVDs. Yikes! It's scaaaaaarrrrreeeeeeey! Wish me luck!

See you soon. Byeeeeeeeeee


  1. Looks like a great traditional British celebration, complete with the rain.

    Enjoy recording your DVD's too


  2. ooh more DVDs exciting, and yes a weekend to celebrate being british

  3. New art journaling DVDs from you ? YAAAAAAAAAAAY ! that is some good news for sure.

  4. That is very good news Kate... Looking forward to more dvd's from you! We had fun in Ripon too. It was lovely to see all the people happy and together.

  5. I bought your other DVD so its exciting so see what you've come up with.

  6. good luck and to you take preorders-LOL

  7. Oooo looking forward to more DVD's

  8. Diamond Jubilee looked amazing - I watched a lot of it on TV here. Congrats on filming more art journaling DVD's - go YOU!!! :)

  9. So glad you Brits had a grand and glorius weekend. God Save the Queen! Thrilled to hear that you are making more DVD's. I've been hoping you would for sometime now. Look and look at the ones I have over and over. Love them. How long do I have to wait?Happy Filming Diane M. Seattle

  10. You folks really know how to celebrate.... love that it was spread over four days of fanfare. I can't wait to see your new dvd's.... how cool!

  11. Glad you enjoyed the long bank holidays and the Jubilee. Let's hope the Olympics are just as good. :)

    Good luck with the recording too.

  12. And a fab time was had by all ....... good luck with the filming too !!

  13. What a fun time you Brits all had, but so did we in the US as there were so many correspodents reporting all weekend that I got to see alot of it on TV-not the same but it still was fun watching! I'm confident your video will turn out splendidly!

  14. That looks very like our modest local effort - but we had fun too, without the shiny tractors!

  15. Great news about the DVD's Kate, even though I'm not doing much atm I love your dvd's to just watch and enjoy. Hope they give me some mojo to get back to journalling again.

  16. Looks like your lovely village put a lot of effort into your Jubilee celebrations. I wish mine had done the same, as it was I think my back garden was the only place there was any action! You've been a busy one, I never know how you manage to find the time to do all the things you do Kate, what a trooper, all for the crafting cause. Love it! Michelle xx

  17. Hi Kate.
    Had a fab time at Dy's on Sat/Sun, made the gorgeous "Star Book" and Maria taught us the small 4x4 book. Great time. We want to come to your class next!! Look out!

    I will join in your Calender (June) later. I have finished it.
    Your Jubilee celebrations look great.
    "Speak" again later Debbiexx


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