
Friday 27 April 2012

A catch up ...

Lookie what arrived on my doormat the other day, with a little note saying 'congratulations, you've been published' Woohooo! I didn't even know! It's just a small picture of a notebook I sent in as part of a different article a while ago, but it's always a great honour, and very exciting to be published in any of the Stampington magazines even if it's just a teeny tiny pic :-)))

A few days ago I taught a class at Art from the Heart, called 'inky cards and tags'. This is always a great fun and very messy class, and we get to play with Dylusions ink sprays all day yay!

Here is the class hard at work:

Now, I'm not saying they were a messy bunch or anything but just look at this. And this was only half way through the day! :

But the ladies produced some fabulous cards and tags. Here's a few in progress:

Thanks to everyone who came to the class, it was fun fun fun, and a bit messy!

Now, you may or may not already know, but Golden Fluid Acrylics and mediums are now available at Art from the Heart, UK. I LOVE Golden fluids and have been using them in my art journals for ages. If you are sadly mourning the end of the Dylusion range of paints, then this may be just the thing for you.

And if you really like the sound of these paints and mediums I am teaching a 'Golden' day at Art from the Heart so you can try before you buy. Have a look here for more details.

In a couple of days I am off to the USA for a few days of sight seeing and retail therapy in NYC before heading out to Ranger in New Jersey. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! I have scheduled a few posts to go live while I am away, so I will be here even if I am not here LOL! 

Byeeee for now


  1. Hope you have a wonderful time at Ranger U

  2. Congratulations Kate and have a great time in the USA !! Envious?......... not !! :-)

  3. Congratulations on your publication. Hope you have a fabulous,ous time at Ranger and enjoy your retail therapy. Tracy x x

  4. Ooooh Kate I cannot wait to come to one of your classes, hopefully Angie and I will get chance to after we have had the class with Dy in June, then after that you with a bit of luck.
    How fab it looks making those tags and getting all messy.
    The Big Apple awaits you, Oh cannot wait to hear all about it. Debbiexx

  5. Sorry Kate meant to add a big Congratulations for being published, it feels great doesn't it.
    Your little book was so sweet.
    I love to see your work in Craft Stamper, It always gives me inspiration to get messy!!Debbiexx

  6. Congratulations on getting published (again!). That class looks such fun, lucky ladies.

    I must get on with my May calendar pages, I'm guessing you've done yours.....

    ps I did your faux stitching on an ATC, it looks brilliant!

    Thanks for the top tip :o)

  7. Enjoy the States, esp New's on my list:)

  8. Congratulations Kate, well done on your publication. Your inky cards and tag class looks like a lot of fun. Your notebook looks really cool. I've been limbering up my drawing skills for the class at AFTH, but I still have some cobwebs to shake off since doing A level art 22 years ago! I think the drawing class is on the day after you get back from the US. I hope the UK won't be too much of an anticlimax for you after Ranger U? Michelle x

  9. Looks like a great time was had by all - awesome tags! Getting so excited for you and Kaz - wish I could figure a way to come and see you two while you're so close... have an amazing time in NYC, and of course at RANGER U!!! woohoo!!! Ellen xxx

  10. i'm so sad i'm not going to be in pa. when you come over kate. i would have loved to get together with you! have a fun time!!!

  11. Hi.
    It looks so much fun in your classes.
    I wish I could have been there once ...
    But as a consolation, I ordered both of your DVD `s. So now I look forward to the mail comes.
    Have a wonderful trip to the United States, and the visit with the Ranger.

    hug from

  12. Wow, how fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just had a browse through "Art from the Heart"...what a super cool place. Wish it wasn't soooooooo far away...Wish we had a place like that here! Might be time to start one :)

  13. Congrats on the published work - very cool!!! Have fun in NJ :)

  14. Congrats on being published, Kate! Someone from my groups told me I´m in this issue, too, but I haven´t received my complimentary copy yet, so I have no idea what they´ve picked. Can´t wait to flip through!

  15. Have a fantastic time at Ranger U, I can't wait to hear all about it! Libby x

  16. Congrats on once again being published. You always have great items, so I can understand why Stampington likes your work so much.

    GOOD LUCK with scheduled posts. I can't get mine to post and I've seen a few others mentioning the same thing. Still, I'll be here on the 1st, like always.

  17. thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment ! I am flattered !!

  18. Congratulations! I believe we are neighbours in that publication :)
    That class looks such fun.

  19. That looks like so much fun and loving the tag work congratulations on being published too
    hugs June x


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