
Tuesday 27 March 2012


Guess what? 

Guess where I'm going?

Can you guess?

Can you?

Can you?!!


I'm going to Ranger UUUUUUUUUUU!!!

I got the e-mail yesterday off the God of all things inky, Mr Tim Holtz, and then I promptly needed a sit down! I looked at the clock, but 8.00am seemed a little early to celebrate with a large glass of something. Although it was a special occasion ....... LOL!

I feel really privileged because I know that it was way over-subscribed and I feel very lucky indeed to have been chosen. (Thanks soooo much to the peeps who made it possible).

While I am there I will be having some inky lessons off the Queen of all things inky, HRH Dyan:

And a few more lovely inky lessons from Sir Tim:

Actually, this photo, which I stole borrowed from Dyan, is probably a better representation:

And I'll be going with the lovely, if ever-so-slightly bonkers, Kaz ('it's good to be mucky') Hall

And while we're there we might even manage a little sight-seeing and see things like this:

I so want a ride in a yellow cab.

And this:

And I'll be able to eat Dunkin donuts for breakfast LOL!!

So who else is going? Let me know if you are and we can meet up and say hello :-)

And can anyone tell me, what is the weather like in New York in May? Like, you know, what do I need to wear???!

Byeeeeee. Have a great day!


  1. huge congrats, I cant wait to see the fruits of your labour!!! Hugs Juls

  2. Wonderful you will have a ball I know especially as you are going with Kaz. Should be quite nice weather I think and the blossom will be on the trees... lovely. Enjoy xx

  3. WOW, what fantastic news. I must say though that you totally deserve this fantastic opportunity. You always create such amazing work! ENJOY!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! x

  4. Congratulations Kate! How amazing for you, enjoy yourself! x

  5. OMG...I just finished congratulating Kaz...and then I found out you were going to!!! You two are going to have soooo much fun. You'll need a holiday afterwards to recover.
    A huge congratulations to you Kate!
    Dot x

  6. How amazing! Have heaps of fun :)
    xoxo sioux

  7. Congratulations Kate! Couldn't happen to a more talented person.

  8. Congratulations I am sure you will have a ball! Love Dawn xx

  9. WOWser - you are one lucky lady - ENJOY Ranger U and New Yoik New Yoik (so good they named it twice!!!). Wish I could say that I WAS going but sadly, I'm not!


  10. How amazing, but deserved, omg you and Kaz together in the "Big Apple"....A match made in Heaven!!
    Have a fab time, and don't forget we are here waiting to hear all about it, don't forget us!!
    Off to congratulate Kaz now!

  11. Me bonkers?! Lol! Omg it's totally AMAZING! Cannot wait it's going to be a blast!

  12. That is great news, congrats Kate! Enjoy yourself at Ranger U! :)

  13. Oh my goodness, I'm trying so hard not to be jealous & I'm failing miserably!! First Kaz, now you!! Mahoosive congratulations to you, I would definitely opened a bottle of something if it had been me. :) You are going to have a wonderful time & I'm looking forward to hearing all about it.

  14. Oooh I hate you! :lol:

    Congratulations, I'm sure it will be awesome. Oh and NY can actually be really warm in May, if you're lucky!

  15. YAY!!!!!!! Big Congratulations to you Kate!!!! I know you will have the BEST time! May in NYC is amazing! It's warm, but not too hot during the day, and a little bit cool in the evenings. It's actually a perfect time to be there! Don't let Kaz squeeze your hand off on the plane! (LOL!) Truly - have a *wonderful* time!! ~ Ellen xxx

  16. Kate, amazing news, HUGE congrats, I'm sure you'll have a great time!!! I'm in the States right now and it's been really hot already (high twenties) I bet it will be really warm in May and humid lol, but everywhere inside they have AC which is usually set much colder than over here so you might want to take a cardy. Mind you, you'll have so much fun, you won't even notice the temp:0)

  17. so happy for you! congrets!!! and... enjoy ;)

  18. Ooooh wow: congrats: i am sooooo happy for you! You go girl: TO THE RANGER U!!!!!!!!!

    (I can feel your bouncing, the ground is shaking in the Netherlands hahahaha LOL But you'd proberbly would feel my bouncing too if I was invited ;-) )

    Again: I am sooo happy for you: you deserve it.

    xx Tessa

  19. Oh and... they can learn so many cool things from you!! :-D

  20. Wow... How fantastic is that, what an opportunity. I hope you have a fabulous time......

  21. Congratulations! That's awesome!

  22. Lucky you, ENJOY!!!! May is mostly warm to hot over there! Valerie

  23. Yeah good for you :)your'll have a right old mucky time lol

  24. Oh my goodness! Congratulations, we are all ever so envious, have a great time! :D

  25. Lucky Lucky You !
    You are fabulous! I love your work and you are a great inspirator.
    Wish you the best!
    Love from Mariann in Norway

  26. Congrats to you!! NY in May can be hot and sticky but it's an awesome place :) If you get the time, check out the High Line - an elevated park walk, its pretty neat!!The Staten Island ferry will get you a free view of the Liberty lady but can be packed - the top of the Rockefeller centre will get you a view of the Empire and Central Park - just do as much as you can!!! Macys is worth a visit just to be amazed at how big it is and Grand Central Station is wonderful!!
    I'm an English girl in NJ so get to visit a lot and I love it :)

  27. Wonderful news! I live in Manhattan and May is the PERFECT time of year to be in NYC - warm but not too hot... 70-80 degrees (Fahrenheit!). Hmm.. since you are coming all the way over to NY/NJ, why not teach a class??? Hmmmmm? I can hook you up with studio space if you need!!! Congratuations on Ranger U! I'm sure you will love it!
    Michele from New York City

    1. OOOh sounds tempting! But this time I think I will just have a mooch around NYC as it is my first visit to the big apple woop woop! But you know in future I could be tempted by a return visit!

  28. congratulations kate. that is awesome news!!! i'm so proud of you!! you'll be close to pennsylvania kate and i'll be home there in may. maybe i can meet you some where!

  29. Whooohooo for you Kate, I am over the moon for you... you will LOVE it!!! Have the best time and many congrats... you so deserve it xx

  30. WOW! well done you deserve it.EE

  31. Congratulations Kate ...... you lucky lady ! I am sure you will revel in the inkyness !!

  32. What fantastic news Kate. Congratulations, that's super. I wish you a great great time and I am curious to the results.
    Lovely greet

  33. FANTAAAAAAAAAAAAAASTIC Kate. many congrats!!!

  34. Congratulations ! I almost applied but I guess it was not my time yet.
    Have fun :)

  35. Kate! How fabulous! That is absolutely wonderful news. I'm so pleased for you. Have a fantastic, exciting inspirational time.

  36. Congrats! I'm sure you will have the time of your life!!

  37. Congrats girl!!!! You will no doubt have many stories to share. I am exited for you. Jumping up down for you!!!!!!!

  38. Congratulations, bet you will have lots of fun. :)

  39. just an apron should be fine, LOL

  40. Congrats Kate you will have a fantastic time I just love NYC butttttt I was there middle of May last year and it was cold and wet but they did tell me it was the worst May ever. You'll have a great time whatever the weather, ooooooooooo it's so exciting.xx

  41. You lucky girl. You are sure to have a ball. x C

  42. Nice one!!! Going green with envy here - enjoy every minute (I'm sure you will)

  43. Does this mean that you will be a member of their design team? Let me know please. Diane

    1. Noooo! It doesn't mean that! I wish ..... ! It means I get to spend three whole days with the Ranger designers and tutors, trying products and learning new techniques, which I can pass on through my teaching when I get back. It also means I'm going to have a fabulous time in the Big Apple!

    2. The Big Apple - wow! Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on Ranger U when you get back

  44. Fantastic Kate,wonderful opportunity for another Yorkshire lass!
    We are living this through you so share all your experiences :-)))

  45. Hi Kate...congrats to you!!! I'm going too, but in April I think! Sad...wont get to meet you and wonderful Kaz! I am so looking forward to this as you are as well! The weather is great in May...woohoo!!!!

  46. Fantastic news Kate! I can't wait to hear all about it on your blog, I wanna see lots of piccy's. I'm sure the peeps at Ranger U are going to get a few tips from your wonderful creative mind too. I think we might see a few journal pages too of how excited you are, and your experience there. Looking forward to that very much. Well done Kate, dead chuffed for ya. Michelle xxxx

  47. Congratulations! Are you going to the May session? If so, I'll get to meet you there as I'M GOING TOO!!!!!!!!!!!

  48. What brilliant news for you Kate, hope you have a lovely time. xxx

  49. Congratulations! What a thrill. I'm excited for you and I agree.... I'd be watching for hand squeezing on the plane with Kaz. NY in May is great.... it's springtime and lovely. You will have a blast!

  50. Congratulations,its well deserved and I look forward to your posts showing us what you learnt (and maybe some new crafting stash goodies from across the pond!!)


  51. Congratulations! I know you will have no much fun. I can't wait to hear all about it. May in the city is very nice. Bring a mix of clothes! It could be warm it could be cool. You never know this year. The weather has been really weird.

  52. So excited for you!! What a grand time you'll have and how fun to go with Kaz. Your work is amazing and I can only imagine what it will be like after spending three days at Ranger. I was going to put in New Jersey, but in itself, that isn't so exciting. Enjoy it all....I know you will.

  53. Congrats Kate, You will love it. I went in 2008 - gosh so long ago now - and met some amazing people who I still keep in touch with. Just enjoy every moment and make loads of new friends from all over the world all with the same passion. xx

  54. Wow, well done. I wish a fabulous time overseas.


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