
Tuesday 14 February 2012

Journal Play

Inks by Dylusions for Ranger

I've been playing in my large A4 (12x8") Moleskine journal recently. This is a page using one of my hand-drawn angels which is all about my OCD tendencies, especially when trying to leave the house. (I'm not the only one am I?!) I have to really really fight the urge to check everything about 10 times when I am going out of the house, and this is made a lot worse if I am in a rush, such as trying to get the kids to school and get to work. Now, I don't want you to worry about me (!!) I usually forget about it as I drive out of the village. 

Only once have I had to come from work to check hahahaha!!

This is what it looked like before I journaled all over the page:

And a few close-ups of the splatty background:

Here's a very quick page about mindless optimism. Don't get me wrong, my glass is usually half-full, but sometimes you have to accept that not everything is going to be OK:

Inks by Dylusions for Ranger

At the weekend I spent the day at my fave place, Art from the Heart, playing with the fabulous new Dylusions inks, stencils and stamps woohoo!

Inks and stamps by Dylusions for Ranger

They are currently on their way over from USA but you can see the full collection here. You want them, you know you do ......!!


  1. Morning Kate. I just love your OCD journalling, really lovely. I adore your hand drawn Angel she is adorable.
    I have always wanted to do this type of craft after my first visit to Art from the Heart, so maybe this year I could have a go!

  2. What absolutely exquisite work you do. I love the vibrant colours. I understand the urge to check, although I'm sure it's not the same as yours. My problem is even geting out of the house -- agoraphobia. I like the comment on too optimistic, blithe statements. But most of all I love your work. From a Canadian sympathizer and admirer. Kia

  3. Kate these are so vibrant and beautiful and full of all things wonderful!

  4. So glad I am not the only one Kate, I check e dry thing ten times before I leave the house, the doors, the cooker etc etc and then when we have left I always say to my husband "did you lock the front door" even though I have just watched him lock it LOL. Fabulous journal page, great image and love love your arty painty background, wonderful layers of interest. Tracy x

  5. Gorgeous and so inspiring. Lol you're not the only one who checks everything!! I go out and worry about what I've left on the whole time I'm out. My speciality is the hair straightners!!

  6. Love how your page came out from Saturday. Your other pages are really cool too! I have OCD about dripping taps, cant stand the thought that theirs a dripping tap in the building haha!

  7. Wow these are stunning. The backgrounds are amazing. :)

  8. You don't strike me as OCD... grin. Glad you finally could bring it to the world. At least your journals don't look OCD, although the splatters could probably have been put on splat per splat, measuring it out. Bwaahahahahahah

  9. wonderful artwork - as always - kate. we all have something that we obsess about....i can relate. happy valentine's day!

  10. I had to laugh out loud when I read your journaling - that is so me!!! I thought I was the only one checking.. and re-checking... and re-re-checking... I even check the back door every time I leave the house eventhough it hasn't been used all winter! But you just never know, it might be open.. LOL! So yes, I just love your OCD page not only for the journaling but for the colours and the lovely angel as well.

  11. Your angel page is just beautiful. I do understand your OCD, I am the same, checking and checking again. My two at the moment which worry me the most are locking the front door and the car! I did actually leave my hair straighteners on all day once while I was at work, luckily they didn't burn the house down! Your other pages are gorgeous as always. You are so lucky to be playing with the new Dylusion range!

  12. Kate, I love the vibrant artwork - and the writing. I am finding it so difficult to write all over my artwork - it's a little like having been taught from childhood that you DO NOT write or draw in a book! I can manage a few words, but I am inspired by your work, and will try to break down the 'I might spoil the picture' barrier.
    As for OCD - so many women are like this, so is it OCD or are we all normal and careful? So ... do your mugs all have to be put on the shelf so that their handles and pictures are facing the same way?

  13. Kate, I love your vibrant artwork, and the written work. I find it difficult to add writing to my artwork. I can manage a few words, but find it so difficult to get over that barrier of 'I might spoil the page I'm so happy with'. It's a bit like being told from childhood that you DO NOT write or draw in a book! But your work is inspiring, and I will really make the effort.
    As for OCD, so many of us women are the same, so is it OCD or are we all just normal and careful?

  14. WOW. I love your hand drawn angel! It would make an AMAZING stamp! Just sayin'... :) And your page looks fabulous! Love it! xxx

  15. Awe Kate...we all have some ocd tendencies my lovely :-D I LOVE you Angel, superb work xxx

  16. beautiful pages as always! your angel came out terrific. i'm slowly learning to trust myself with hand-drawn pics. i also love dylusions stuff. can;t wait to get some of my own.

  17. WOW! Gorgeous Gorgeous Gorgeous! Love everything! That angel is just the best! I so cannot wait for the Dylusions to hit the states! I am going absolutely bonkers over here waiting LOL

  18. Great pages Kate . Love your angel . I have OCD about the car did I lock it didn't I did I didn't I ....and it goes on and on so understand about the house ! The new dylusion stamps are fab waiting patiently till they are in the shop so I can touch them..look at them and then buy them all!!! Lol x

  19. Ohh what a long, tall angel Kate, the page is fab !!

  20. oh man Kate....these are sooooo cool..You are such an inspiration! Funny bout the OCD...totally can relate :)

  21. Smiling !!! 999 followers !!!!

  22. Hi Kate, gorgeous pages, the new face stamp looks fab,can't wait to see what else you don with the beaut new stuff! nice to know there's more "check-a-holic's" out there, lol xxx

  23. Hi Kate, gorgeous pages, the new face stamp looks fab,can't wait to see what else you don with the beaut new stuff! nice to know there's more "check-a-holic's" out there, lol xxx

  24. haha! you are definately not the only one who goes round checking everything 50 times!!!!

    I loves your Angel she is totally adorable ♥ ♥ ♥

    Hope half term is going well. Gez.xx

  25. Love it! happy Valentines day!

  26. Great journal pages! Love the bright colors you have used. My husband is the one who checks and double checks things before we go places. Sometimes it drives me nuts. We have driven back to see if we closed the garage door! Need time to play in my journal. Love Dyan's new products!!

  27. Hi gorgeous, fabulous pages as usual. Big snogs to Eleanor xx

  28. I *love* your angel art journal page - the colours are just gorgeous, so warm and vibrant. :)

  29. These are fabulous pages Kate I love them all... and WANT and NEED the new inks so badly... not waiting very patiently for them!!! ...
    No way am I OCD.... but do have a friend who is so can slightly understand where you are coming from lol.
    Love the angel too xx

  30. Such gorgeous, amazing & BEAUTIFUL pages.

  31. Love these pages Kate. Love the colours and the stamps too! I can' t wait to give it a go, and get good and messy!!

  32. WOW love thr colours.....the Angel is just beautiful!

    kaz x

  33. wow, my jaw dropped on the floor I'm speechless....all of this is sooooooooooooooo gorgeous

  34. That's so gorgeous. love the colours, and the angels. I have to check the windows are shut and iv'e gone back to check iron is off.

  35. Hi Kate - love the pages - it always amazes me how much detail you get on your backgrounds yet they never look too busy.... would love to have that level of skill. xx

  36. Hi Kate, love the pages, your angel is delightful - I always love looking at your backgrounds as it amazes me how much detail you get in them, yet they dont look too busy - huh wish I had that level of skill xxx

  37. I love your angel its just so (pauses trying to think of word) .. dreamy, it looks so simple but I bet it isnt, and as for dyans face stamp, this one really caught my eye and I love what you have done with it

  38. magnificent background, funky forground EE

  39. Beautiful pages as always, that angel is divine, happy Valentine's :)

  40. Such a beautiful Angel and what a busy but beautiful page. Love the Dylusions pages too. Glad you had a great time the weekend. x

  41. lol, that last page reminds me of the first time I tried false eyelashes (a couple of weeks ago - for a seventies night) - they lasted as long as it took to come down two flights of stairs lol!!! Gorgeous, gorgeous pages as usual :)

  42. I love the complimentary colours of your angel page. Do you know if the dylusions acrylic paints are going to be on sale again? I got 3 for Christmas and love them but they don't seem to be part of the Ranger series? Thanks Libby

  43. Love it!!!! You are amazing Kate!!!

  44. I love your angel! I have ordered all 12 of the Dylusions spray. We can't get it until sometime in March, and it's very difficult to be patient :( I also ordered some stencils. Next....stamps! YAY!

    Thanks for sharing your lovely pages and creations. I am inspired every time I view your work. You are amazing!! <3

  45. OMG!!! These are AMAZING! I totally want to be like you when I grow up!!!

  46. I have just found your blog and it is awesome!!!! I Love everything about it, so I have grabbed your blog button. There is so much to see and be inspired by...thankyou
    Dot x

  47. Kate I am over the moon in love with your pages!!! The colors, the images and all the details are amazing!! I am waiting for my order of Dylusion stamps-and I already know I'm going to place another order soon after :):)

  48. Kate this is the first time I visit your blog (via Rian) and I love your work very much. Specially the last one with the face. Gorgeous. I will follow you and for sure I will come back.
    Lovely greet

  49. Wonderful colour combo and such brilliant work. LOVE the angel - not so sure about your OCD, lol. Good to journal it, though. Those greens look great x

  50. Love the angel page adn te internal dialogue, I talk to myself while crafting all the time... and laugh when i amuse myself


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