
Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Stampotique Designers Challenge time!

Smushallaum and Octopet by Daniel Torrente for Stampotique Originals

Yes, it's that time again ...... time for a new challenge over on the Stampotique Designers Challenge blog and this time Valerie has challenged us with a theme of 'recycled'. I certainly didn't have a shortage of items I could have recycled as I hoard all sorts of useful things just incase they come in handy LOL! I saved this label off a pair of jeans I bought recently because I liked the shape and the feel of it. Here it is in its original state:

Here it is part of the way through with a layer of paint and ink:

Following my weekend workshops with Dina Wakley I had some inked muslin left over so I decided to use it here, and also added a few beads off an old bracelet that I took to pieces (that's recyling, right?). I added a fairly random quote from a vintage dictionary page, something about lamenting and moaning ... (recycling again...) :

If you fancy joining in with this fun challenge have a look here for more details. As it's the first challenge of the month you may use any stamps (although it's great if you use Stampotique of course!) and one lucky winner will win a $30 gift certificate to spend at the Stampotique Originals store (and you know you would like that!). If you need more inspiration have a lookie here to see what the rest of the Design Team came up with.

So, what else have I got to tell you??? Well, tonight I will be on the radio, yup, that's right, the radio! If you like you can listen in here at approx 4.25 EST which is about 9.25 pm UK time, to a programme called Creative Mojo and see what I've got to say.....yikes! Wish me luck!


  1. Great the muslin and the beads....very weedy touch:)

  2. Fab label, I love the colours, and use of bits and bobs. I love that muslim, and the lament quote. Judith xx

  3. Oooh Kate! LOVE your recycled looks soooo much better now!! Gorgeous colours I see ;)
    Have fun tonight..will be tuning in.xx

  4. I love, love, love this tag! Very creative and the colours are so vibrant! Awesome job! I must dig into my stash to see what I can come up with!

  5. Love what you have made out of oyur jeans tag! Valerie

  6. love it, the muslin is just superb, gonna have a try at the challenge today, gotta find something interesting to upcycle.., am out tonight on the gossip so will miss your radio debut, good luck and have fun xx

  7. wow, that is very cool!!! I love the texture of those and how you used it.

  8. Gorgeous and the colours are scrumptious, love it, lots of purple going on in there, is it your new colour, lol xx

  9. Fabulous piece and a brilliant idea, Kate!

  10. always!! Colours are FAB...and love the stitching...really need to reach for my sewing machine, me thinks!! xx

  11. This looks wonderful - I love it!

  12. This is stunning !!!! im so in love with these stampotique mermaids and your background and colours are gorgeous love love love it

  13. fabulous piece! gorgeous colours!

  14. Lots of recycling going on hear what a great idea to use a label from your jeans. Where do you buy muslin from? I never see it in material shops (maybe I should ask)

    Love Dawn xx

  15. Kate, thanks so much for your lovely comments on my blog! I appreciate it so much!

    What a great way to recycle and use cool things in your art! I love the definition of "lament" that you included...I think it adds an interesting twist to the story of the character and octopus...something that might not have been detected without it! Love your work, and want to check out Stampotique right away!:-)

  16. Fabulous again! Love the colours of this one very much!

  17. how fun to be on the radio kate! good luck!

  18. Hey, you sound great on the radio [and just so English ;-)] Your enthusiasm comes across so well and I'm heading back to my journal as soon as the programme finishes because you've inspired me all over again.

  19. oooh - inked muslin - doesn't that work perfectly? purple's popping up all over the place at the moment.
    on the radio hey? is there going to be a podcast available?

  20. Fantastic bit of recycling !

  21. Great effects - fancy finding your version hanging on your jeans!

  22. Recycling, re=purposing and reusing never looked so good! Marvelous, Kate! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  23. Such a great tag, I specially like the addition of the muslin and beads - the colours are great too. The thing is, I can't quite "get" those spooky, bad tempered mermaids at all. They're creepy. I know, I know, its probably a character defect in me ..... sigh.

  24. Good luck for tonight..
    And thanks so much for sharing advices and lot of good ideas. I Adore so much your background.
    Sorry for my bad english writting.

  25. Fantastic recycling, love what you've done with this lable.

  26. Did I mention how in love I am with this piece!!!???? I love everything about it - especially the muslin and the beads! The label really gave this a kewl shape!!


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