
Tuesday, 6 July 2010

There are no mistakes in Art.

All images and borders by Tumblefish Studios for Deviant Scrap

Today is my day off work YAYY! I did do some house work before I started messing about with paints. Honest :-) Over the last few months as I worked more or less full-time, our house got more and more untidy. When life gets busy, the house doesn't really get tidied, not properly, and as a result of this every spare inch of the house is full of 'stuff'. I have set myself a target of dealing with one area of 'stuff' every time I have a day off which generally involves getting a large dustbin bag and filling it. Ahhh, it's very therapeutic. Anyway, today I tackled a corner of the garage (just my corner mind - the rest is full of 'boys stuff' which I am not going anywhere near) and I also tackled the shelves in the utility room which were starting to look a little scary, so I'm feeling very virtuous. I earned myself some art time :-)

I started this page with acrylic paints and an old credit card which is a super-quick way of getting a base layer of colour on a page then I stenciled a few circles:

Next I squirted some of my fave spray inks for added depth and colour, and let it go all yummy and dribbly down the page. These gorgeous new inks keep their colour really well over the top of acrylic paints:

Every page in my art journal goes through a really messy stage like this, but I don't let that put me off LOL!:

I added some images by Marsha aka Tumblefish Studios, which you can get hold of here. I have altered the images quite a lot ie: I took a figure then changed the legs, head, and feet, before adding a hat (which I cut from a page of Marsha's background papers). I drew glasses on her face, then added flowers to her skirt. I made the border using tickets, pictures and scraps and cut a few more shapes from the background papers, all by Tumblefish Studios:

Finally I added the wording. I saw a journal page on Teesha Moore's blog which I really liked, so I 'borrowed' her style of lettering.

Ok, some peeps have asked if I'm up to trading a few ATCs. You bet ya! So I'm off to play a bit more now, and then I will jump into action 10 mins before Hubby is due home from work, dash around the house like a mad thing, tidying up a bit more, getting dinner ready etc etc, and then I can pretend I have had a really busy day. (Erm ....  if he's reading this I've got some explaining to do......!!)


EDIT: Just to let you know - I've got blogger issues at the moment! I am receiving your comments in my e-mail but I am unable to publish them for somne unknown reason. Grrrrrrrrrrrr.
Also, if I try to leave a comment on a blog that requires word verification, I can't see the word! It's just not there!
Thanks for all your comments anyway, it's much appreciated, and I'll publish them if and when I can.


  1. Fabulous!
    This page is so full of detail and colour!
    Good luck with your tidying (definitely therapeutic!)
    Lesley x

  2. it's wonderful Kate! Thanks for the reminder too!! I love the image and the topic, and you are the master of the ink spray!!

  3. oh Kate is it possible for your pages to get any more fun???????

    I absolutely adore this!!!!!


  4. Uuurgh I hate the cleaning too, she says starting at a huge pile of laundry that just got thrown down the stairs but hasn't quite made it to the washing machine yet!

  5. Fabulous page......... I dash around spraying furniture polish..... smells like I've been busy!.. I've had the same tin since 1986!

  6. Great page Kate! And thanks for sharing your steps. Always really interesting to follow.

  7. I've been having comment issues today too, Kate! Hope you get this one! Thanks for the lovely "welcome home"!!! I've missed seeing what everyone's been up to. LOVE this page and how you've made Marsha's superb images your "own". Don't fret about your housework - boring women have clean homes!!! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  8. A great page...and I just love that title.

  9. Great page Kate, love your background inks !

  10. I adore your art work Kathryn and this is brilliant. Annette x

  11. Gorgeous...she reminds me a little bit of a ballet dancer with her stance which is very topical at the mo for us as we have just had our dance school was fab....

    I think everyone has been having comment moderation problems today - I couldn't get mine to publish either but they have now - I changed the name of my blog this week and lost ALL previous comments which is a bit of a pain.....

    Kirsti x

  12. I think you may have to wear rubber gloves if you want to convince your hubby you've been doing housework all day!! Unless you are lucky enough not to get mucky when you craft.
    Fab page and helpful to see how you get to your finished ones xx

  13. Hi there - hoping you can read this despite the problems.
    Fully relate to the messy house thing. Working full time myself our kitchen is completely covered in crafty stuff which is no example to set my boys so they never put anything away either.
    As to no mistakes in art, well most of my happens by mistake!

  14. woh kate, have you been taking pro plus,that is a super intense page, but of course its lovely, my word verification isnt showing up either but if I try to post it brings it up on the error page, seems to work after that

  15. It is a page full of gorgeousness! All the elements pull so wonderfully together and its so lovely to look at!
    P.S. I like your approach to housework :)
    x x

  16. i keep seeing 0 comments but then when I go to leave a comment there are plenty there - definitely blogger playing up!
    Great page, love all the splashy, inky colour :)

  17. You are so organised arranging your day to fit in housework(dare I say that word):)followed by art. When I'm at home I think I have loads of time but mess around so much I don't achieve anything. Another brill page Kate I particularly like the step by step tuition.
    Going to another "Pratting around day" at AFTH tomorrow fab.
    Pat xx

  18. Blogger was bugging my hasppiness this morning as well. Totally get the housework thing I had a giggle at you trading utility shelves for art time as that is what I do as well lol. Great pages.

  19. Your little figure looks as if she's had it up to'here' with all the problems blogger is giving everyone!

  20. Fab page as always and I salute your braveness at tackling the garage of all places!?!? I totally avoid our one at all costs - too much goin' on in there for me to deal, I don't do spiders. SOOO excited that you're going to Dina's weekend too, can't wait. Where are you staying? xx

  21. Kate I wish we could be like remember Bewitched the t.v. show. hahaha. It is so hard keeping up the house and everything. You sound like it was a bonus day. I just love these backgrounds. I love Marsha collage sheets, just amazing. You really make the best from them. I love the glasses. Thank you for sharing about the pickled bottle,I love weird.hahahaha
    Hugs,Laura. xoxx
    P.S. I am having problems with my comments too ?

  22. Thank you for showing this in stages. It's just amazing to me to see your work unfold. You make magic, Kate, you really do. Your pages are just some of my most favorite in the world and I'm not exaggerating.

  23. Cool!! Paul and I are staying there too!! Do you mean Sarah Haslam? I love her blog too...this is going to be so weird/brilliant meeting you both in person, can't wait!! xx

  24. oh kate, this is a fabulous page...As usual i "heart" your art
    you really inspire me

  25. whey hey girlie, love this, but then don't I always?? Need a design team play day next week, you up for it..??? See you Saturday xx

  26. Simply Great!!

    Thanks for sharing

    Kisses from Spain


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