
Sunday, 18 July 2010

Journaling with photos.

Border images by Dyan's Downloads
Spray inks by Altered Originals
The word 'play' by Nancy Baumiller at

There's a story behind this journal page. A while ago I was playing around at an Art Journal play day at my fave place Art from the Heart when Dyan just happened to mention she had been snooping in an antique shop and spotted a pair of fabulous vintage rubber glove moulds. In the end she didn't buy them because (I think I'm right in saying this) she bought a vintage Union Jack flag instead and couldn't have both. *sigh* sometimes us girls have difficult decisions to make.

Anyway, it caught my attention because they sounded right up my street. I mentioned it to my lovely husband, who snuck out in secret and got them for my birthday. WOOP WOOP! Ir's not everyone can say they got vintage rubber glove moulds for their birthday :-) So, Dyan didn't get them but now she knows they have gone to a good home where they will be loved LOL!

Of course I couldn't resist the opportunity to add them to a journal page. This is how it looked before I added any journaling. Just get those luscious Altered Originals dribbles!! :

Here's how the hands look on my shelf with some of the rest of my vintage junk treasure. I'm not sure if this is their final resting place - I haven't altogether ruled out hanging them from the ceiling!

Here's the photo I took and then cut up to use for the journal page. It's here on Flickr if you'd like to use it in your art.

It's been a very busy week. I had my birthday, my son had a teaparty and a sleepover for his birthday (amazingly, they DID actually do the sleep part of the sleepover so I was a very happy Mummy), and today we had a BBQ for the family to celebrate the birthdays. We showed true British grit, and sat out in the rain, eating our BBQ food, refusing to be put off by the persistant North Yorksire drizzle. I bought a new BBQ and it was coming out today whatever the weather LOL!! It's ok though, if it really threw it down with rain, I planned to send my husband out to BBQ while I shouted instructions from the kitchen window. The BBQ is a boys' job.

This week is looking a little less busy (although our schools don't break up till Friday) so I'm planning on treating myself to a little blog-hopping. I'll be seeing ya!


  1. sat in corner, quietly sulking and cursing to myself..!!!! lmao nice page babe, luscious dribbles..xx

  2. Lucky, lucky YOU - and lucky US for sharing your awesome Birthday gift with us! Happy, Happy Birthday, Kate!!! I can think of a zillion ways to use these lovely hands. What an amazing man you've married - he definitely a "keeper"!!!

    I adore your journal page, hand forms, dribbles and all of those luscious colors. So happy, too, that you've shown the different 'stages'. So sorry to hear that it rained on your BBQ! Bet it was delicous - rain and all!!! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  3. Fab, fab, fab !! Just stunning work I love it !!

  4. I love this post and also love the glove moulds - I had never heard of them before. I enjoy seeing your art work.

  5. Fabulous page honey...we had a tea party as well and 2 birthdays, mine and DD's, she was 5 and I was...well I won't tell you that birthday to you and your son whichever day they were on..wouldn't it be weird if it was the same days as ours. !!

  6. What a great present!...... mine gives me bits from his crashed models and says... "can you do anything with that!"

  7. BBQ cooking is DEFINITELY the boys' job!
    And that page is gorgeous Kate, complete with the lucious dribbles - they could be symbolistic (is that a word!?) of our drooling over those rubber glove moulds! x x

  8. I love your art as you know and the story that goes with this is terrific. Thank you for sharing. Annette x

  9. Your excitement is coming right through your blog today!! Great page...! I love your work. K

  10. Happy belated birthday Kate. I love the glove molds. I saw one used to hold a hand towel by the sink in the kitchen. I have wanted one ever since!! :)

    Great journal page as always!!

  11. I have enjoyed wandering around your blog this morning, Kathryn, and I am just loving your journal pages.
    And WOW! Those vintage rubber glove moulds are amazing - lucky you!

  12. Love your story, thanks for sharing it with us. Hanging from the ceiling, I like that idea. What a fabulous birthday pressie and I just love how you've used a piccy of them in your art. It's so nice to know there are other people in the world that recognise the potential and get excited about rubber glove moulds and the like, I thought it was just me, lol. Happy belated birthday, keep on the British BBQ traditions!

  13. Fantastic page, love the moulds and the way you've used them. Glad to see the true Yorkshire grit still in evidence with the BBQ and rain, lol. xx

  14. Belated Happy Birthday Kate! Not sure about the glove moulds - they come in the same category as your spooky images for me lol! Don't like dismembered hands EEEK!

    Fab page. LOVE those inks (saving my pennies)

    Lesley x

  15. ha ha - glad to see these at last - I bet they were a talking point this weekend! Luvverrly page too. Only four more get ups now (not that I'm counting!)

  16. Fabulous page as always Kathryn :-) Love those moulds; fantastic Thanks for letting us use the pics
    Anne xx

  17. Belated birthday wishes BTW ;-)
    Anne xx

  18. Happy Birthday! I think there must be a misprint - I've seen photographic evidence and there is no way you are over 40, more like 33.
    Your hubby is fab, mine means well but even forgets direct requests when they are the same every year. Anne x

  19. happy birthday Kate, love the story bout the hands, better make sure they are under lock & key so a certain someone doesnt make a beeline for your house!!!!! love the pages as always.... Ciao

  20. Awesome of course! I didnt realise it was your birthday, belated wishes from me!

  21. A big happy birthday Kate, and a fabulous gift you received....I am green with envy!!
    Love, love, love this page!

  22. Loving your dribbly page - I like everything about it! What a fabulous present the glove moulds were - mine would never buy me anything like that .... sigh.


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