
Wednesday, 23 June 2010

New inks!!

Face, body and wings by Tumblefish Studio for Deviant Scrap
Glasses, legs, lettering and all border images by Dyan's Downloads

OOoh! I'm in heaven! I've got NEW SPRAY INKS!! You can't have too many spray inks of course, they add so much depth to your journal pages. Now, I had a lot of fun putting this together and I really like the way my last two pages in my A4 Moleskine look when side-by-side. I don't know why, but I usually do single page spreads.

Thought you might like to see how this page came together because I actually remembered to take photos along the way. This is how I start a collage page, just cutting out and placing on the page till I'm happy. You may notice at this point that I am quite a messy worker LOL! (The desk isn't too bad but the floor is in a right state!):

Then, I added gesso to the page before painting a combination of pink and green in acrylic paint. On top of this I sponged gesso through a flower stencil:

Here's the fun bit. Dyan at AFTH has just released these new spray inks in HOT HOT HOT colours:

If you want a bit of shimmer, and I usually do, then you can also add a bit of Pearl Pigments:

These inks sit beautifully on top of acrylics (as well as layering up very nicely on their own), really intensify the colour of the paints, and look like this over the stencilled flowers:

They can also create fab little pools of colour like this, and I just love this effect:

So, after spraying everything in sight and getting my hands messy AGAIN I glued the images and border pieces down and doodled around the edges to bring it all together. It still looks really unfinished at this point:

What brings it all together is the journaling and the doodling and adding a bit of extra colour. For instance, the wings looked a bit stark so I sprayed a bit of the 'hot pink' ink onto a craft mat and used it with a paintbrush to add a touch of colour around the edges of the wings to blend them into the page a bit.

I decided to journal about my slowly-but-surely expanding midriff LOL! A few years ago I was talking to a friend of mine and I commented that I had put weight on. 'What do you put that down to?' she asked. Duh! Eating and drinking too much of course!! 'Oh yes,' she replied, 'too much of the good life'! That phrase has stuck with me, it sums it up so well. 

Bye for now..............


  1. Oh Kate what an awesome the step by step clever and talented you are...

  2. Gorgeous page, colours, layering - everything really!! Love the new spray inks - need to get some ordered asap!! As for the 'Good Life"...a little bit of what you fancy does you good but too much leads to great journal pages!! Every cloud...;0) xx

  3. Oh wow Kathryn this is fabulous. Thank you for showing how you did this, found it all very interesting and inspiring, Annette x

  4. The spray inks are great. Loved seeing how it all came together. Beautiful work.

  5. Another fantastic page Kate and thanks for going through the process, hadn't thought about gessoing through the stencils. The new inks are fab can't wait to get mine tomorrow going to another great class at AFTH - "Backgrounds" so no doubt we will be using the new sprays again, yummy, yummy.
    Pat xx

  6. I love the page, the new inks look realy good, just might have to get myself some of those.


  7. oh i love, love, love this page!!
    i cannot seem to get this "Teesha" style of collage to work for me. They never look right when I do them - maybe I am not meant to!!! Bummer!!!

    Thanks for showing your process!! Those inks are fantastic!!

  8. You seem to make magic with everything that you have....
    Love the pages, and I can only imagine you spraying everything in sight!! Love it...and yes, you can never have enough sprays...

  9. Fab u lous pages Kake such vibrant colours. I get mine tomorrow, can't wait.

  10. Golly, gosh and WOW! That is some gorgeous page you've created there Kate. I am happy to say I've just had a few hours to play today but no spraying! (I'm gonna get me those inks tomorrow though!) I love how you've fitted the pages together, both different but it works so well. Inspiring.

  11. Kate, I don't know what I enjoyed more . . . that delicious page or the fabulous tutorial!!! Fantastic! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  12. Your entry is fabulous, those new sprays look so good, cant wait to get delivery of mine. What paints do you use?
    Don't worry about the mid rift thing :o) Happens to the best of us :o)

  13. Fabulous stuff........ I can identify with the midriff thing!

  14. Those inks do look rather yummy!

  15. A beautiful spread and a contagious spray paint happiness spreading all the way from you to me in Sweden... Now I have a craving for those paints, wonder if I can find them online... :-)

  16. Hi Kate, really nice to see how you work...NEED some of those new inks ! Thank you so much for your message on my blog :) xx

  17. oooh you got all eight, couldnt decide or couldnt resist, LOL, thanks for walking us through your journalling technique, as you know I am trying to learn to become more arty, and you are a grand help

  18. this blog post was so interesting to read, thanks for sharing and your page is absolutely wonderful
    kiss and love

    thanks for your sweet comment on my blog for my birthday

  19. I love it!~ Reeeallly love it! It's super, and thank you for showing the process.

  20. "Brilliant" Kate this was so interesting and enjoy this posting so much. I loved seeing it all coming together. I adore this journal page, just so awesome. Your just so amazing always !!
    Hugs,Laura. xoxx
    P.S. Those inks are marvelous,thanks for sharing.

  21. Oh my god I have to have that pink spray! What pen did you use for the journaling?

  22. Congrats on the DT.


  23. Hi Kathryn, another fabulous page :-) Thanks so much for the mini tutorial now I know how to do the layered look and can't wait to have a play. I've ordered just 3 of Dyan's new sprays - I am financially embarrassed just now! I love that phrase hehehe but I'm still happy 'cos I'm doing the character painting workshop at Dyan's this weekend Yipee!!!
    Anne xx

  24. Another absolutely gorgeous page. I love how you put your colours together, and thanks so much for sharing how your pages evolve. It was fun to "watch"!


  25. Thanks for showing us how you've put everything together on this page. I was interested to see on your desk that you put the frame and images onto your blank page before doing the background. Such a simple thing but such a good idea to do that first.
    Love the new inks.
    Lesley x

  26. er, that table looks tidy to me Kate!!!
    Great page, I love, love, love spray inks and couldn't live without them lol!!! They'd be on my list of 'stuff' to take on a desert island :)

  27. Kate thanks for showing me how to achieve a journal page like yours. The photos are a great help, ta very muchly. I hope to have a go at this soon. x


  28. Such great colors! I love the way it looks once you added the writing. You did a wonderful job...yay

  29. excellent page as always. what are the collage bits you're cutting up? they look so interesting.

    i hear ya about the expanding midriff, yikes.

    you call that a messy desk!!?? :D

  30. Hi!

    Thanks for explain the techniques you have used because I am always fascinated with the way you work.

    I like what you do and how you do it and I would imitate but do not know where to start.

    So thanks for sharing

    Kisses from Spain

  31. Thank you SO much for sharing your process ... which has finally made me feel that I might have a go at this journal keeping. I've wanted to for ages and you have inspired me!! PS I'm sending you this from Italy, which proves that I am a REAL fan ...


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