
Monday, 28 June 2010

And the winner is ......

Thank you so much to all of you who took the time to leave a comment on my last blog post. I read and appreciate every single comment and hope to spend some time this week visiting a few new faces :-)

I put all the numbers into a bowl and asked one of my children to pick one out. I had to do this while the other one was out of earshot because last time I asked one of them to pick a name out of a hat they nearly killed each other trying to decide whose turn it was. I know I should talk to them both and negotiate, super-nanny style, but it is much quicker to whisper into the ear of one while the other is not there LOL! (Does that make me a bad mother???!)

Anyway, the winner Heidi. Please click on the e-mail button in my sidebar Heidi and let me have your details.

Bye for now............................


  1. da** I was no 45, must have a word with your kids tell em there is free choccy in it, if they pick the right name, LOL
    having just looked at ATC again I am very tempted to pop over to Dyans and buy them all, they are so bright and vibrant, ttfn oh and next time pick me please

  2. yayy, well done Heidi...
    Kate I got fed up of cutting names out so I,ve opted for Random .org now. You just type in how many comments and it will give you a random number. Ooh the power, I imagine I,m pressing the button for the lottery lmao xx

  3. Congrats to you Heidi, what a brilliant prize, treasure it. x

  4. Well done's lucky girl!!!

  5. Lucky winner! This is gorgeous! Congratulations on all of the exciting things I see going on for you! Wow, you are in demand and that comes as no surprise.

    Love the new inks. I used to make all of my backgrounds with liquid watercolor I put in spray bottles. These look so much better. I may have to give them a try!

    Your blog always inspires me beyond any words I can tell you here. You amaze me, Kate!


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