
Friday, 30 April 2010

Big Bad Computer Virus

Ah well, I suppose it had to sometime. This week our PC has been infected by the big, bad, 'Antimalware' virus. If you don't know what it is then let me tell you it's very scary as it hits your computer screen, advising you that you are under sever threat of identity theft, that 64 of your files are infected bla bla bla and then freezes everything so you can't do anything at all. It's not true of course, it is a fake security virus, but it's scary when it happens. If you are infected by the Antimalware virus DON'T PANIC and DON'T BUY THE SOFTWARE IT WANTS YOU TO! They are after your money and worse, your credit card details.

Anyway, the upshot of all this is that these viruses are getting harder and harder to get rid of. My husband (resident help desk) and a visiting computer specialist have spent hours and hours trying to sort it out but in the end the only solution was to wipe the computer clean and start again *sigh* Fortunately we have everything backed up so now the computer is up and running but it is taking time to get everything back on (and we are hoping that we haven't backed the virus up on the external hard drive too). Hmmmm, computers, can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em.

So, excuse my absence in blogland but hopefully normal service will resume shortly. I hope so, 'cos it's May tomorrow and I need to blog my new calendar page. Who's still in?!


  1. Oh me...I am definitely still in...Finished the April pages and hope to get the May one started this weekend...xox

  2. *hehe* I'm in (not still though, more beginning lol) I'm not sure how to upload my page here though? Am I meant to do that?

  3. All ready to go - glad you've got your virus sorted. A good reminder to make sure your have your back-ups up to date.

  4. Still in Kate, finished April and got the May background done but am having a little time off due to a family breavement. I'll catch up asap!
    I hope my computer doesn't get the lergy! (he he he - a bit of Yorkshire slang for you!) x x

  5. So sorry to hear that you had to strip down to the basics. I HATE having to reload everything - it takes forever, so I don't envy you at all. Will keep my fingers crossed that the "bug" is dead and gone. Hugs, Terri xoxo

  6. I'm here....and getting it ready!!!

  7. Gosh that's SCARY! Reminded me to back up as well! Hope you get it all sorted.

  8. Oooo nasty one Kate. Hope all's sorted out soon.
    Yep - I'm still in!!
    Lesley x

  9. Oh Crikey poor you. My heart sinks when something takes a bit longer than usual even, everything computerish makes me panic...

    and now I realise I haven't done the last few days in my April pages! Oh well if I sort it tomorrow I'll still be early than all preceeding months so far.


    PS Love the colourful rabbits in CS June edition

  10. I'm still in. Finished my April page and the background for May - just need to add a bit of decoration and some squared. Hope to get it done this weekend.

  11. good to hear you had it backed up! I'm fairly backed up but would lose some stuff so should work on it; still not got beyond January for filling in my calendar - so rubbish! I'm not ready to give up on it yet though! If I start again, it's an honest view of my year of trying to keep a 'diary"!!

  12. awe, bless Kate. I really hope you get things sorted soon. These bugs are getting so sophisticated.
    I'm up todate & you can see my pages here.
    Hope you have a FAB l o n g weekend.xx
    Love Gez.xx

  13. Hiya found your blog over at Gez. I had the same happen to my computer, these people need to get a life, TG for hubby's who understand computers.
    Christine x

  14. Ooh really scary especially when the computer expert and the 'guy on the help desk' (hehe) take a long time to sort it. Hope you don't mind answering this but I've never backed up my PC 'cos I don't really know what I'm supposed to back up. If I have a disc with the original stuff on do I just need to back up files I need ie pictures, documents and anything else I've put on myself? Found you via Gezzy B's
    Anne x

  15. hate that... glad I'm married to a computer 'nerd' everything is backed and doubled backed up.... so glad you got it sorted. Ciao

  16. Oh Kate sorry to hear about your computer troubles. I'm still in and have blogged my April pages :)

  17. Left a comment on Flickr. I am assuming you are still having problems with virus etc cant' wait to see your APRIL and MAY pages. Mine are on my blog not on Flickr yet have to wait for my G-daughter to do this for me, you'd think I would have learnt by now.

  18. Doesn't it just make you crazy that people do this? I just don't understand. If people would put half the time into making an honest living that they do into trying to steal some one else's they'd be rich!


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