
Sunday, 28 February 2010

Goodbye February.....

Well, that's the end of another month. I finished my February pages and I'll be blogging my March page tomorrow (when it has dried LOL! Skidding in at last minute by the seat of my pants as usual). It is amazing how different the pages look when they are finished. Look how sparse this page looked a month ago:

So, what else have I been up to? I finished a couple more nudies or Racy Stuff (thanks for that one Brian!) Oh how I have laughed at all of your suggestions for quotes on my nudie postcards. 'All fur coat and no knickers' (Sue), Red hat and no knickers (Sue again), 'Too posh for pants' (Jude ha ha ha ha!). Anyway. here are the last two of the set:

Yesterday I ran a card making workshop and one of the regular ladies asked for help with a never-ending card. These are fascinating - I could keep folding this over and over..... but there is a lot of measuring, cutting and sticking involved... (so you see, I DO have a neat 'mainstream' side!)

And I have been wrecking my journal a bit more. Some of you have asked me about this - you buy it as a book and it almost looks like a novel. In the UK you can get it here. You are then encouraged throughout the book to 'wreck' it in various ways. FUN :-)))

I've been working far too hard and have been unable to blog-hop as much as I would like to but I'll be back........!
Bye for now


  1. Beautiful Feb page Kate, love the dramatic colour. The nudes are fantastic, they really make me smile. Thanks for all your inspiration. xx

  2. Great pages...amazing how different they look when filled in!.. fab stuff!

  3. Gorgeous February pages Kate - I love them...and the nudies are fabulous too... am seriously considering getting that wrecking book...have uploaded mine too and am just trying to publish them in flckr....

  4. I'd love to say I will blog my March page tomorrow but as yet it's still in the planning stage.....I have completed February though so I'm feeling pleased with myself. I'm really enjoying this project. Love your nudies BTW :)

  5. Your February calendar is Fabulous, Kate, and your nudies are cuties! (Oh dear! I fear that I'm in a "mood" today! LOL!) LOVE that wrecked journal. Hugs, Terri xoxo

  6. Hi Kate, thanks for leaving a comment on my blog today. Have made a start on m front cover but still not happy with it. Will have another go tomorrow when its dry. Loving the new nudes.

    Love your Calendar - wish I had joined in for this one


  7. hadn't realised you could actually but a Wreck This Journal journal - now why didn't I think of that?

  8. Oh bother, forgot it was March tomorrow!!

  9. Don't the pages look different when the journal blocks are filled in! I love that vibrant colour. As for the remaianing nudies...if I looked like that I wouldn't be a prude about going nude! I love how you stitch around the edges of stuff, I am really going to have to make the effort of getting the machine out and give it a go!
    I'm off to have a look at the 'wreck this journal' site now - I hope you haven't infected me so I have to go and start another project!

  10. well Kate, you do look like you've been busy...beautiful creative and imaginative art work, as always...

    I like the way you wreck a book!!!


  11. Hey Kate,your so awesome!I loved everything,very creative.So unique and amazing is your art work.
    I just adore the nudes so artfully created.
    I really enjoy butterflies in art.
    They are not rude,the nudes. Still giggling about that thought. hahaha So cute and true.
    Best wishes to you.
    Hugs,Laura. xoxx

  12. My wreck this journal never stood a chance, it was well and truly wrecked ages ago lol. Miss ya xx

  13. Fabulous calender Kate!! I just love all of your work! I'm still trying to keep up with you on the calender and am going to post!!
    Wreck the journal is very cool, looks so uninhibited and spontaneous, fantastic!

  14. Saucy nudies !! Loved them on Flickr, had to pop in and say hi here. Your calendar is spectacular, cannot wait to see March. Wrecking a journal? I'll have to keep my eye on this and see what develops. Sounds intriguing. Can't I just run over it with the car? (Bad humor, ha ha).

    Hope all is well for you and family.

    Talk soon.
    All the best,

  15. Fantastic Feb pages. Your pages look gorgeous filled-in. :) Love your rudie nudes. :)I've blogged my pages today & also March pages.

    Hope you have a lovely month. Off to check out your link. It sounds so much fun. :)

    Happy crafting. Gez.xx

  16. Februarys page looks brilliant darling I LOVE IT !!! and how fun is this wreck it book, want one i love wrecking stuff hehehehehehe

  17. Love the Feb pages - and the transformation from the beginning of the month to the end! Have put the wrecking journal on my birthday list...fingers crossed!! xx

  18. Ohhhhh your February pages look AMAZING!! I wish mine looked as artistic as yours, but I seem to be more of a journaler than a doodeler LOL. I'll have my February pictures up shortly. Thank you again for inspiring all of us to do this project, it's been SO much fun.

    Love your nudies, they're incredible. And the suggestions are too funny.

    I have that journal too!! I haven't cut loose on it yet though. Soon... maybe LOL

  19. I love your pages (and the other nudie bits). I've blogged my Feb pages today.
    I went and had a look at the Wreck your Journal and bought 2 - one for me and one for my niece's 11th birthday as she is my crafting buddy, so thank you for the link from both of us. She started the 365 journal, but forgets when I'm not there to nag so I think the wrecking would be fab for her xx

  20. So cool. I just posted my digi one for Feb. :)

  21. Love your February pages - how do you manage to create such little masterpieces in such a small space? Spooky coincidence car-wise though. We are just saying goodbye to our trusty Fiesta too and moving on to something newer.
    I've loved the articles in Craft Stamper over the last 3 issues (definitely my favourite bits of the whole mag).
    Hope to see you at Dyan's again sometime.
    PS Sorry no pictures of the frogs on the blog - they all went to froggy heaven around Christmas :-( I'll post pictures when we eventually get some more.


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