
Wednesday 8 May 2013

More junk!

Yesterday, in between working (as a school teacher), taking my son to football, collecting my daughter from Drama, walking the dog, and feeding everyone (by everyone I mean the kids, me, the husband, the dog and several small animals), I managed to complete a small page in my *new* junk journal LOL! This page used to be a small cardboard box which contained cereal bars. I just had the sudden urge to paint (which often comes at a most inconvenient time) so this page was completed very quickly in a slap-happy fashion :-)

I used acrylic paints, oil pastels, a stabilo marks-all pencil, and some paint pens to create a messy background, and I scribbled into wet paint with the end of a paintbrush:

Anyone else work in a chaotic mess like this?!

I used my lovely old vintage typewriter to add a phrase to the page. This isn't the most pretty of typewriters, and it's a peculiar colour, but it types well.

I used washi tape to add a previously doodled face from my Art Doodle Love book:

And then hand-wrote the journaling with a dip-pen:


  1. yes, I recognise that chaos, therein lies creativity, which you have in spades. Love the junk journal. and the typewriter!

  2. Was that all at the same time or three different occasions?? :) Which did you least mind being called?:)

  3. Fabulous page Kate. Your work space is relatively clean and tidy, some days I have so much on the go that I can't see my desk!

  4. It is a very clourful and pretty page.
    Liefs, Melanie

  5. Fabulous Kate, I don't see it as messy, just beautifully creative and full of expression.
    hugs {Brenda} x0x

  6. I love your slap-happy painting!

  7. OMG! Love, love, love... your journal ♥♥♥

  8. I love your junk page! Colorful and lots of fun details to discover. I also love seeing it at scale. I would have thought it to be much larger. A chaotic work space seems to be the norm among artists. I don't know that I've ever seen a tidy artistic work space. At least not one in action. LOL

  9. i love your backgrounds, all those colours all jumbled around is just great
    Gill x

  10. An anorak? I think I need more details about that one!

    1. LOL! OK, here's a definition I found on Urban Dictionary: A person obsessively interested in a thing or topic that doesn't seem to warrant such attention. Haha!

  11. Hi Kate, LOVE this page :-) and I think you have slightly more room on your desk than I do on mine....XXX

  12. That is quite mild to what I've been called at school today (I'm a teaching assistant).

    Your page is wonderful and I particularly like your writing using the dip pen.


  13. I love, love, love this Kate!!! You are so amazing, and so very inspiring!!! Truly wish we lived closer!!!

  14. Slap happy works for me Kate! Love your cheerful and interesting page. Been called the first two plus pages more - teacher forever but never an anorak!
    I thought it was a coat worn by Eskimos so thank you for adding to my knowledge as well as wowing with your bright and zany!
    Keep having fun!

  15. I don'T know about"anorak" but a witch makes magic and a gypsy is a very colorful and interesting person so I guess you have had great compliments! And as I said when I was young "Sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me...! great journal page Kate! Have a great day!

  16. Creative mess is the best kind! Fab page Kate, just ordered Art Doodle Love (thanks for the link) ;o) x

  17. What can I tell you except absolutely fabulous!! You are the it girl for sure. Your schedule sounds like my daughter - she teaches 5th grade and has 4 kids and is always on the go. Very creative and I love your sentiment - just love it. How do you bind your art journal - excuse me - your junk journal!! Thanks Sugar -

    1. Hi Sandy,
      Ahh, thanks for your kind words :-) I bound this journal with a bind it all machine, but I didn't want the wires to show, so I covered it with sticky-back canvas (Claudine Hellmuth Studio) which I painted first. Of course, you have to make a 'spine' to go inside the canvas or it would just stick to the spirals!

  18. Another fab page Kate and you dont look like you are working in chaos - that looks positively tidy compared to mine once the paints come out.

    Maybe I should go back to scrapbooking that never made as much mess lol - mind you its not half as much fun though

  19. fantastic page, Kate, I love it!

  20. Hopefully only your kids said those things (in jest!) - my boys call me a hobbit now I'm smaller than them so I guess it goes with the territory! Lovely page despite the hectic life - maybe you work better under pressure?!! x

  21. LOVE this page! LOVE your colors and doodling and hand writing - wish I could write like that! I am too afraid! And YES I work in chaos, too! Need to get off of the computer and clean my latest mess but I first wanted to say how much I LOVE this!

  22. I love the page!! :)
    lol and i am familiar with the chaotic mess as I usually work sitting cross legged on the floor in front of my cubby where all my art supplies are ;)


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