
Thursday 3 December 2009

My first Art Calendar

Oooh, long time no blog! Ah, but I have been busy. Here are just some of the things I have been up to in the last few days:
1     Writing a magazine article (no blogging allowed!)
2     Hunting for a stick insect which was M.I.A. IN THE HOUSE. Don't worry, I found it (the creepy little thing was making its way up the bathroom door as I was cleaning my teeth)
3     Producing the Christmas production with 120 children at the school where I teach.
4     Cleaning up plaster dust after the plasterers who have been doing our hall, stairs and landing for the last four days.
On top of all this, our boiler has packed up and is now not working at all. This morning it was 12 degrees INSIDE the house which does not help my early morning sleep inertia LOL! It's taking me 5 times as long to get dressed in the morning because I have to remove 10 layers of nightware first.

But enough of all that. I have made my first ever Art Calendar and I'm quite excited about it. I can't claim this idea as my own, I saw it here on Jill's blog, and here  on Flickr. Here it is as a work in progress:

And with a bit of background texture:

And a festive bird singing its little sock off:

Of course, hindsight is a wonderful thing, and I realised after completeing this page that I started the week with Tuesday. Doh!
This is in my A4 Moleskine so this is work on a huge scale for me but I LOVED working this large. I thought I would try it out for December and if I can keep up with it I may set myself a 365 challenge for 2010! Anyone want to join me?
Now, before I go and huddle with a hot water bottle, have a lookie here because The Stamp Man in Skipton, UK is giving away some lovely blog candy:



  1. That sounds like a great challenge Kate!! Your December pages look fab; much needed relaxation gained there I imagine amongst all the Christmas prep at school xx

  2. Love it - and yes I nearly started mine in the wrong place too - now I double check before I stick! Looking forward to seeing it filled in.
    I'm sort of glad I've moved on from the school Christmas production - after 36 years' worth it was hard to keep up the enthusiasm. but knowing for each child is was a new experience just about kept the magic going.
    Definitely think we ought to set a calendar challenge for 365/2010

  3. Oh you have been busy. When can we know more about the article??

    120 children - oh boy, I bet that was interesting!!!

    Great job on the calendar! I started one awhile back (a little different) but did not keep up with it.

    Keep warm!! I assume the 12 degrees celsius??

  4. Hi Kate, what a wonderful idea thanks for sharing it with us and also thanks to Jill. I am definitely going to have a go at this I just need the time I've been teaching all week, retired thats a laugh. I haven't done anything to my journal for weeks and not been to AFTH since October.
    Thank you Kate for the comments you put on my blog, I really appreciate it.

  5. This is wonderful ,and I so love the bird and song! I think I'm afraid to commit to this challenge though...may have to give it some thought! You are very inspiring ...thank you!

  6. I think this is fabulous and I'd LOVE to be part of the challenge! Count me in!

  7. Oooooooooo Kate this is fab u lous, just love it. What an inspiration, can't wait to get home and start on my Moleskine and give it a try. Thanks for all the fantastic things you put on your blog to share with us. xx

  8. Awesome calendar, Kate! So sorry to hear about your chilly morning. Hope that it's warmed up for you by the time you read this. Warm Hugs! Terri

  9. Ooh, lovely stuff as usual Kate. I like the 365 idea, just wonder how long it might take me to make it in the first place! Might get a chance to do a advent calender style one for this month this afternoon, been ages since I had any crafty fun..Busy busy busy - I'm like one of Santa's elves

  10. I love that you showed us the blank page first - how gorgeous is that colour! Of course it looks even more gorgeous after adding the background and images! Hope you manage to keep up with the 365 days!

  11. Oooo I remember stick insects - my lot had a whole load of them and they were always having babies - creepy little things as you say YUK!!!

    Love the A4 calendar - not sure I could do one every day for a year though - good luck with that one Kate!

    Hope you're boiler gets fixed soon - it's supposed to be cold at the end of the week.

    Lesley x

  12. I'd love to join in a 365 challenge in 2010.


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