
Friday 2 January 2009


Right, that's it, as soon as the festivities are over Januaryitis kicks in. I took a break from my usual bright colours with this journal page because January is a dreary month. The journaled text reads:
spent too much . ate too much . drank too much . got to go back to work . it's too dark . it's too cold . it's too wet. credit crunch . recession .
Those are all the things I don't like about Janaury! I do actually like my job, don't get me wrong, it's just that I like being at home a lot better LOL! I'm just ready now for some lighter nights, for some greenery in the garden, for some sunshine.............
Doing my art journal has prompted some stange responses from other people. My 8 year old daughter asked 'Why are you taking a photo of yourself with your eyes shut Mummy?'! And on new year's eve I was in the pub with my husband (as you do) making a few discreet notes in a small notebook about the significant things that had happened during 2008, when I was asked 'Are you a journalist?' er, no actually, followed by 'You must be in the police then.' No again! Perhaps I should have said yes - maybe they had a guilty conscience!


  1. I love it ... you have such a unique way of looking at things.

  2. Look at you lady!! You are my bestest journalling student. The others are gonna have to pull their socks up arent they???

  3. hahaha! i can just picture a woman in the pub, little notebook in her hand, scribbeling along, not your average pub scene really :-)

    hope you can scribble a way your Januaryitis!!!!

    xox tanya

  4. Love this page! Very creative!
    Happy New Year and Artful Blessings,
    Kathryn (love your name too!)


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