
Monday 29 December 2008

2009 here we come

Well, it's at least 2 weeks since I had my paints out and I was starting to get withdrawal symptoms LOL. Last night I managed to get the kids to bed at a reasonable time (all routines seem to go pear shaped at Christmas...) and then I snuck into my craft room and got messy. This is the result - a page for my art journal. As you can see nothing too deep and meaningful here, just a few smaller things that I will try and do in '09. I'm not making up any grand new year's resolutions because I know full-well I won't keep them. Not sure if I can keep some of these smaller ones........ drink less?? less chocolate??.........get out of bed earlier ha ha ha! Anyone who knows me well will know that I will find that one particularly difficult. I added 3 boxes after every statement so that I can return to this page next December and see how many I managed. The boxes are for yes/no/sort of.
I used my Claudine Hellmuth acrylics and LOOK I did it in BLUE although I did sneak a tiny bit of pink in the corners. I got a new Faber Castell Pitt pen which works great for journalling, even on these semi gloss paints. I doodled round the edge in black and white, and added an image of a crow (don't tell me it's not a crow, it looks like one) and gave him a black and white hat. A little touch of zetti. A couple of rub-ons and ta-da! Finished. I shall report back in 12 months on this one to share whether I have been successful or a dismal failure!


  1. i like your page! hihi! resolutions pffff i never make them, i'm useless at them anyway! less chocolate dear? wht on earth would tyou out yourself through that?,, i wonder hihih! drink less? pffff hey! alcohol is preservative hihih! keeps you young if you look at it like that... ohhh i'm not helping you here am i hihi!

    thnaks for the award dear!!! love it! i'm updating my blog sometime today and putting it on, doing soem work first

    have a great New Year with enough booze and Cadbury's to last you all through 2009 hahaha! sorry, couldn't help myself :-)

  2. Love your journal page it's very yummy (and I'm not talking about the chocolate or the alcohol, although I like both ... LOL). I have all good intentions of scrapbooking a page like this myself this year. Are the clock stamps an emboss resist? Your painting is wonderful ... would you do a tutorial on your blog one day? Or get the video out? I keep looking at the ATC you sent me and cannot figure out how you painted the background ... there are so many layers, it's beautiful.

  3. love this! I am relate to the getting out of bed one! always a challenge for me!!

  4. I'd have to agree with you...looks like a crow...arent Ravens much taller and have a higher stance? Of course, dont mention this to your hubby lol, dont want a war breaking out about bird species lol

    Love the page-something else I've never tried my hand at.

    The hat looks perfect!

  5. Why on earth would you want to eat LESS chocolate ??!!
    Great idea for a journal page. The blue is a lovely shade and love the zetti crow. Very creative piece.


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